February 2022- Year of the Water Tiger

As a kid, my parents made cross-country road trips, and I’d follow along on the Rand Road Atlas and shout out how many miles until the next city or how far the drive was until we got to our destination. It taught me math lessons, understanding directions, and earth time to distance. I love maps and a good road adventure, and 2022 appears to be providing us with a different type of Road-Trip. 
The universe has maps. Planets and star systems are maps. Many systems follow these maps and cycles: Astrology, the Mayan, and Chinese calendars, Numerology are a few examples. The ancient wisdom keepers looked for and followed natures methods that help direct or explain our path. There is a natural progression in any map. 

Have you ever found yourself flipping to the end of the book to discover what happens? Do you want to skip ahead and get to the end without experiencing the journey? As humans, we sometimes desire to know the outcome or skip to the future, believing there should ALWAYS be a happy ending. But sometimes, it’s not about the result or the end at all. It’s about the journey. 2022 will be a year that takes us on a new journey. There is no skipping to the ‘end’ as this is a year of beginnings.

Those born in 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, or 2022 are under the sign of Tiger. The element for 2022 is water, and the flow of water will help balance the Tiger energy. This Water-Tiger energy will impact all of us. You can listen to Laurie’s overview of The Year of the Tiger.

The Tiger represents energy, strength, protection, altruism, leadership, purposeful, respect, revolutionary ideas, vulnerability, sensitivity, selfishness, overestimation, and an all-or-nothing attitude. It’s a year to jump into something new or a project/plan you’ve been dreaming about. This energy is telling you to take action. Be thoughtful about your actions. Think before you leap, speak or act, but do act.  

Is The Year of the Tiger Lucky or Unlucky? The Tiger is, on the whole, a lucky sign! No matter what situation it finds itself in, the Tiger always finds a way out. Tigers are born leaders. In 2022 many will be asked to step into the role of leader. Last year, the year of the OX was slow and methodical. 2022’s energy has an intensity and increased pace. We’re working on changing our internal response systems and beliefs, and 2022 will provide plenty of opportunities to explore our personal growth. Year of the Water-Tiger with Pluto Return – here are a few things to watch out for in 2022 – Laurie covers them in more detail in her podcast. Year of the Tiger.

1. Emotional Drama – opportunity to adjust our mental processes around emotions2. Passion & Intensity – motivators for life3. Potential of Scandal – discovery of truth4. Original Thinking – new ideas and inventions5. Heightened Intuition – take a new class, or practice inner knowing6. More Luck – need to watch for it7. Whirlwind Romance – 8. Increased Creativity – great for projects9. Leadership – being called to lead with actions10. Burn Out – watch self-care, stress reducers

Lucky months in 2022 will be March, June, November. I’ll follow where the planets, eclipses, gateways, and retrogrades fall. Tiger, Dog and Horse will experience greater opportunities. Lucky colors are red, green, black, and yellow. It’s a good year for relationships, either starting or solidifying those already in our lives. If a few years of isolation, we are hungry for companionship and connection. It will be a challenging year for some, especially if you don’t like change, doing some work, and still haven’t let go of the past. The energy of the Tiger also provides the opportunity for substantial change that can establish us for the years ahead. 

February launches us into this dynamic year with its first powerful gateway on 02-22-2022, as many call the gateway of 2222 – moving from dreaming about love to ACTIONS with LOVE.

January – 2022 a year of Venus, a Six Year and the Water-Tiger

Did you know there are at least 29 religious holidays celebrated worldwide between November 1 and January 15? These holidays are fertile ground for clashes and building and changing our beliefs and relationships with the community and others. I love that the universe always allows us to grow and become more loving. 2022 will be a year that will challenge our hearts and our beliefs. It will stretch us to align to our hearts, challenge our mental processes to find a new truth. The breaking down of old processes continues as 2022 challenges us to build upon a new foundation. 

The number 6 (2+0+2+2) relates to Venus, the goddess of beauty, love, relationships, self-worth, and values. Venus rules Taurus, and with the North Node (how you develop in your current life) and Taurus in Uranus, you can expect 2022 to be highly Venus-led. We will be challenged in how we relate to ourselves, others, our communities, and mother earth. We have thoughts and beliefs on everything we relate to, including people, places, experiences, and things. All of it is up for the opportunity to shift. 2022 ushers in a new cycle and year to set us on a different path. The December 13 podcast: 2022-A year about community, relationships, Venus and More will give you an overview for each month in 2022 and the influencing energy of Venus. 

We also have Pluto’s return over the United States. Pluto was last here 248 years ago, around 1774. Pluto is about transformation and growing through the deepening of self-knowledge. It is a time of death of old and birth of something new. 2022 is also the year of the Water-Tiger. The tiger represents energy, strength, protection, altruism, leadership, purposeful, respect, revolutionary ideas, vulnerability, sensitivity, selfishness, overestimation, and an all-or-nothing attitude. We have some significant changes ahead, personally and socially. Changes and challenges that will shape us and future generations. 

2022 can dramatically change our lives for the better, as long as we are not afraid to turn our dreams into reality. Goals are always good, but we have to stop talking about changes and begin making changes. 2022 is a year for starting new projects. Then we will need to protect and give them the same attention the tiger gives to its cubs. We will have to use the moment’s impulse and never lose our focus. The tiger energy will help advance us as we get exposed to situations we have never encountered before. 

2022 is not just a NEW year, but it’s the beginning of a NEW cycle. Change always comes with challenges, but in 2022 we celebrate our growth, and the continuation of the metaphysical and science worlds coming closer together. Laurie’s podcasts and events are intended to help you along this journey with wisdom, insight, and practices. 
Here’s an early listen to January 3rd Podcast – What’s up with the Energies of January
Shine your light – Shine your Love. Shine ON. ~Laurie

November 2021

November – What falls away
It’s an energy packed month again, and we get to make space by allowing things to fall away.
I most frequently hear guidance from the angels telling us to be patient. Be present and learn. Our western world is about ‘getting it done,’ ‘checking the box,’ ‘moving on to the next thing,’ but when we rush to the finish line, we often neglect to understand that the opportunity or gift was in the journey.  2021 has been an amazing journey, though some might not describe it as that.

I looked back on my November 2016 Newsletter to compare where we were then and now. I wrote about our emotional expansion and how the years ahead would challenge us to heal our ancestral wounds, lifetime imprints, and complete our missions. I wrote about the importance of our emotional compass and its relatedness to our mental processes. I wrote about the practice of taking all the universe’s opportunities and processing them without rushing. Those concepts remain more critical than ever. Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth is not done with us yet! 

Our evolution is about learning, accepting, and being aware of how WE are during these times. It involved changing WHO we are during these times. Our internal self-understanding of our emotions and how we experience our journey is the journey.  Now more than ever, it is essential to be present in the immediate moment.  Now we are learning who we are through our relationships and our mental processes that either create openings or roadblocks. The challenges don’t end, but our awareness of how we face these challenges is the maturity of the soul.  

I’ve heard questions through my clients – why do I feel more comfortable in isolation, why is it suddenly hard to be out with others. If you find these statements familiar to your own experience, you are more aware of your frequency and vibration and contrast in the world.  You have become comfortable with your vibration. The shields you probably held at one time are destroyed or abandoned, and how you show up in the world is raw. You’ve become comfortable feeding your energy field and don’t look to the outside world to provide something you can create from within.   There is nothing wrong or bad with this. It just is a step in evolution and the discovery of you.  On the flip side, if you find you don’t like being alone and the isolation feels stifling, this too is a discovery of you and how you feed or distribute energy. The magic of learning while the universe provides the opportunities.  

The end of October marks Samhain, Halloween, Day of the Dead, or All Saints Day. There is magic in the air for death and rebirth, celebration, playfulness and fun, and also honoring the past and our deceased loved ones.  All these things can be celebrated any day we want, but our cultures give us times to pause, remember and learn. The universe also gives us opportunities to pause and it’s usually retrograde season or eclipse gateways that push us on life lessons. November 19 is our final Lunar Eclipse of 2021, it is followed by a Solar Eclipse on December 4, and the Solstice on December 21. This means there are opportunities ahead to leave our ‘junk’ behind. Opportunities to start fresh, redirect, or realign what we want, where we want it, and who we want it with.

Pause to reflect, enjoy, and remember. May you grow and prosper through all your experiences.  It is not a time to check the box but reflect on what these last years’ experiences have helped evolve. What experiences and opportunities did the universe deliver to you? What might you have to process from your experiences in 2021, and what opportunities can the universe provide to you in 2022? 
Shine your light – Shine your Love. Shine ON. ~Laurie

September 2021

September – Harvest Season
Time to say goodbye to August and welcome the energy of September. The number NINE vibration is about completion, transition, endings, or closure to things we may have started as we began the summer months or things we became aware of that we’d held too long.

After the intensity of energy in August, we begin to feel focused and renewed. We are processing new information and emptying old, as September comes jammed pack with refinement, healing, and adjustment.

This month’s focus should be on uncompleted tasks, refining your goals, and finding new ways to improve your current situation. From the Virgo New Moon, Sept 6 to the Pisces Full Moon on Sept 20, September energy and six retrogrades, the universe wants us to dive deep within, take a good look at ourselves, find out what still needs healing, and apply forgiveness for ourselves and others.

The energy begins to slow down as the dog days of Summer give way to the cool Fall nights. We move to the power of the Equinox, gaining fuel that carries us into the months ahead and even into 2022. What are you harvesting now that will take you into 2022? Where are you standing up and following your path?

Fine-tune your desires for emotional and mental fulfillment. Be open and trust the whispers of supportive guidance from your intuition and your guides, then leap, and let go. September is a new dimension of understanding and a beautiful transition into the rest of the year. By releasing the dead weight of the past, you can move into the most brilliant version of yourself.

Listen to Laurie’s August 30th’s podcast for closing out August and more details about the energy of September.
Shine your light – Shine your Love. Shine ON. ~Laurie

July 2021 – Freedom, Practices and Decisions

This word means so many things for many people—the freedom of our country, speech, equal living and working environments, choice, and more. Our evolution is pushing us to explore where we feel restricted or roadblocked and to MOVE those restrictions. Our quest for better alignment in our relationships, careers, health, education, political and judicial systems are top of mind as the Universe gives us gateways to a better future… if we make changes. 
It’s the summer of ‘gateways’ that will open and close for many until the processing time of the retrograde season is behind us and the last Eclipses of 2021 are complete. Could 2022 be a new frontier for you? That might depend on what you are learning now, letting go, and allowing in. The Universe has many good surprises ahead for us – when we are ready. 

So much of the energy (retrograde) is about shifting our plans, so at the beginning of October when most the planet are back to their forward movement, so are we ready to move forward. Most of the forward motion is deciding to rid ourselves of anything that creates ‘drag’ in our path. Things that are slow or slow us down make us feel edgy to just-get-moving, when the Universe is saying, you-might-need-a-better-plan-first. Delays can be frustrating, but you’ll be more aligned and ready when the Universe provides the perfect timing. 
It is what it is, but it will become what you want it to be.

This month we again have the opportunities to work with the healers of Peru. Want to kickstart your summer? Infuse your energy as you move into the second half of 2021? See below opportunities to work with the powerful healers.

Catch my weekly podcasts or daily posts on social media to help understand and process these times of such massive shifts. Shine your light – Shine your Love. Shine ON. ~Laurie

May 2021 Musings

If I were to put in a few words what we might be feeling, they might be ‘Let’s get going, ‘What next,’ or ‘What now.’ On the heels of Pandemic fatigue, the green buds of spring, and pushes from the stars, we are ready for change, and we will see changes in ourselves, those we interact with, our communities, and our environment. It’s impossible not to change after these transformative past few years. The question we all seem to be wondering is, are we done? Honestly, we are just beginning.  

Since 2017, I’ve been watching and talking about how the Pluto transition creates this mammoth window of change. Pluto is about death and rebirth and the opportunity to create something better. It’s an outer planet, like other outermost planets that we acknowledge in astrology like Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, and Neptune. It will impact our external systems, like our education system, judicial system, our financial industry, healthcare, environment, infrastructure, and the structure of what we know in our communities. Change in these areas will impact us as we adjust our emotions, and our mental processes and filters shift to match our new experiences. The stories that we long held as truth are no longer truths. We struggle to find the absolute truth and the foundation for a way forward.   

Over the United States, Pluto doesn’t hit a 0-degree point until 2024, so this means we have more change ahead.  How we approach changes will matter in our experiences. 

Pluto will be retrograde from the end of April until early October. This retrograde allows us to take what we are experiencing in our outer world and internalize, sift, sort, and embody personal changes. This time is about understanding our internal power, our divine light, and doing something different with it. When Pluto moves direct again in October, we will be ready to take those newly found internal truths out into the world. Taking what we are experiencing external in the world and changing internal – that cycle of internal to external will continue to the pathway of change. I’ll cover more about this opportunity window in my May 3 Podcast.  

Some simple tips on how to navigate change
– Develop practices that support you – exercise, healthy nutrition, music, meditation, activities that you enjoy
– Develop your circle of support – people that vibe at the same frequency that you do
– Look for the changes as an opportunity to learn, change or shift, or assisting others in the process of change
– Trust the soul knows the path
– Be aware of your personal coping tools as they may need to change
– Ponder yourself – your emotions, your thoughts, your beliefs, why you do what you do
– Work on healthy communication – not all talk but also effective listening
– Participate in change that will make a difference in tomorrow. 

Shine your light – Shine your Love.

March 2021 Forward

In March 2020, I wrote that 2020 would be a pivot year for many people’s beliefs, processes, and systems that just weren’t working anymore. It was going to create space for us to decide what our future might be. Most of us continued to pivot. Most of us continue to shift and review what matters to us most, what goes forward with us, and how to ‘march’ forward. Evolution is change whether we want it or not. This time last year, we were in the infancy of change. None of us could predict the level of change we’d each experience. We’ve worked hard to define our new normal, and now with spring upon us, we feel the sunset of the darkness of last year and winter and the sunrise of 2021, and the emergence of the soul.

This month gives us wonderful opportunities to advance, flourish, and move forward as dreams begin to bloom. The number “3” vibrations of March represent the Holy Trinity of love, life, and wisdom. It marks the beginning of synthesis and the reconciliation of the body and mind connection fused by spirit. March’s motto is “I believe, I am that I am, therefore I create.”

The clouds and feeling stuck are clearing, and we feel the pressure to move forward through doors that are now aligned with our soul’s blueprint. March is where past, present, and future collide, bringing us to the start of a brand new astrological year and spring equinox. (Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac) All this amazing energy signifies a time where creativity and new life are high. When opportunities come your way this month, will you freeze in fear? Will you fight change? Or will you fly and trust that a higher power is leading your life to new places? Each moment you are given a chance to make a new choice and alchemize the emotions of fear. It’s up to you to seize that chance.We are wrapping up old cycles and beginning anew.

This energy will help you clarify what has happened in the previous months and what you should be doing next. You are being called to step up and embrace your calling by letting your higher self-lead the way. March marks a massive transition and turning point that alters our current foundation. We can no longer repeat the same stories. We came here to create new stories, inspire love, and live freely.The realization of a higher power within has set in, and we understand we will never go back to the way things were. That way of “normal” no longer exists. We are responsible for that new beginning and adopting a clear vision to build a new world. Are you ready to take that leap forward?

Shine your light – Shine your Love.

December – Gateways of Winter

Gateways of Winter Eclipses, Winter Solstice, a final full moon and entry to 2021.

How do we hold still and embrace the uncertainty of the dark – of the seemingly uncultivated periods of our lives?  

Winter Solstice: the time that T.S. Eliot called ‘the still point of the turning world.’ A time to hold still, right there in the heart of the dark. A sacred pause, in the place between stories. It is the day with the least amount of sunlight in the year and marks the point where we begin to add minutes of daylight each day until we reach peak hours of sunlight in June. Winter Solstice is the festival of lights, is a time of renewal. It’s a time to immerse ourselves in the cycles of nature: of death and rebirth, of darkness and light. It’s a time to think about change and transformation, our inner voice, inner knowing, and a path forward. It reflects where we have been and a decision of what to leave behind and what to carry on. It is the reminder of our resiliency and unfaltering instinct when we trust our inner light.  

How appropriate that we end 2020 with the Lunar Eclipse on November 29, the Solar Eclipse on December 14, and the Winter Solstice on December 21. December 21 is considered the next “Age of Aquarius” moment when Jupiter and Saturn meet for the first time in millennials, at 0° Aquarius. What are the chances to have the two slowest moving visible planets of our solar system meeting precisely in the 1st degree of Aquarius? To many, this marks the official beginning of the Age of Aquarius. We’ve been feeling this energy since 2000. You can listen to my latest podcast – The Age of Aquarius – Looking Back and Forward, where I talk about the previous ‘Ages’ and what the Age of Aquarius represents. 

The Age of Aquarius will come with a completely different “operating system” – something we haven’t seen yet… at least in the last 26,000 years. The codes and keys that we’ve been receiving from the universe prepare us for this time and future.  We can expect new types of energies during this new Age (for the next 2100 years). Other likely developments are artificial intelligence, space travel, and connections with other forms of life. Because the transition from one Age to another is usually 200-300 years, we have already begun to experience advances in these areas. New types of energy are not solely alternatives to oil-based fuel but advances in our understanding of quantum physics and the use of energy for healing and regenerative capabilities. 

This era of ‘WE’ ahead calls for us to be more humanitarian while realizing many souls are still holding on to the archetype energy of ‘ME’ first. Aquarius is the most global sign of the zodiac; it rules networks and communities based on a mutual vision. In the next 2000 years, top-down practices, hierarchical cultures, or extreme political doctrines will be challenged. Some souls will remain in the past, and others will move into a new era of being. We will continue to try to bridge the gap in our world views. 

We push through the gateway on December 21 with the force of Saturn and Jupiter and the potential for something new.
Jupiter pushes on our search for personal meaning, our philosophy of life and purpose, optimism, hope, and a sense of justice and striving for spiritual growth. We are questioning who we are and what we are doing here, and if what we are doing here is enough. Does it make us happy? We feel greater frustrated if we perceive we are not evolving. We will push ourselves for change, get scared of the change, and either retreat or move forward.  

Saturn shows how much self-discipline, our strength of character, and your responsibilities. Saturn shows how we experience “reality,” where we meet with resistance and discover our limitations. It represents the conscience and moral conviction, the laws, and rules which we choose to obey. It also tells us about our powers of endurance and concentration.  
Transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius challenges us to heal and change our beliefs and patterns. 2020 hindsight creates the opportunity for reflection while giving us hope and clarity for a way forward into this new era and 2021.  Shine ON! – Happy Holidays

November 2020 – All Eyes On Us

The world is watching us; more importantly, the Universe is watching us.  
2020- an election year, another year of karmic healing, and a year where timelines feel like they’ve been thrown out the window. Things we planned for have had to pivot, and we continue to shift and redirect to this unexpected energy. Most feel confusion, fear, and chaos swirling around as we now move into the last two months of 2020. Usually, this is a time to reflect on our experiences and our ‘wins’ of the year. We feel hope, optimism, and begin the planning process for our ‘wins’ for the year ahead. But 2020 has paved a path of doubt, caution, and fear, those emotions in themselves become roadblocks for our future. November’s gateway of 11:1 through 11:11 is a crucial gateway of redirection, reassessment, and redefining. Interesting that this falls in the election timeframe, but for us personally, it will provide forwarding clues. The Universe is watching, encouraging, and responding to the energy we are transmitting. Waiting for our next vibrational command. Are we aligned to our heart and humanity, or something else?

Has your vibrational command been one of love, calm, peace, hope, and trust in the future, or has it been more along the spectrum of fear, anger, frustration, and hopelessness. We all need to turn up our lights and shine. Yes, PLEASE VOTE, but the Universe is asking for more…. SHINE YOUR LIGHT. Get back to a place of community, humanity, and collaboration. 
What do you usually do when the spotlight is focused on you? Do you hide or take the opportunity to show the world true-you? Instinct can sometimes push us to hide, but the energies’ reality is that hiding, avoiding, or disappearing is no longer an option. The Universe is watching, and the spotlight is on us. Wherever you are, there you are, and whatever you were dealing with or avoiding is also right there with you. The Universe is expecting change. Sometimes you won’t even know you belong until you get there. It’s been and will continue to be a time of trust that you are on track. 
 Shine ON!