May 2021 Musings

If I were to put in a few words what we might be feeling, they might be ‘Let’s get going, ‘What next,’ or ‘What now.’ On the heels of Pandemic fatigue, the green buds of spring, and pushes from the stars, we are ready for change, and we will see changes in ourselves, those we interact with, our communities, and our environment. It’s impossible not to change after these transformative past few years. The question we all seem to be wondering is, are we done? Honestly, we are just beginning.  

Since 2017, I’ve been watching and talking about how the Pluto transition creates this mammoth window of change. Pluto is about death and rebirth and the opportunity to create something better. It’s an outer planet, like other outermost planets that we acknowledge in astrology like Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, and Neptune. It will impact our external systems, like our education system, judicial system, our financial industry, healthcare, environment, infrastructure, and the structure of what we know in our communities. Change in these areas will impact us as we adjust our emotions, and our mental processes and filters shift to match our new experiences. The stories that we long held as truth are no longer truths. We struggle to find the absolute truth and the foundation for a way forward.   

Over the United States, Pluto doesn’t hit a 0-degree point until 2024, so this means we have more change ahead.  How we approach changes will matter in our experiences. 

Pluto will be retrograde from the end of April until early October. This retrograde allows us to take what we are experiencing in our outer world and internalize, sift, sort, and embody personal changes. This time is about understanding our internal power, our divine light, and doing something different with it. When Pluto moves direct again in October, we will be ready to take those newly found internal truths out into the world. Taking what we are experiencing external in the world and changing internal – that cycle of internal to external will continue to the pathway of change. I’ll cover more about this opportunity window in my May 3 Podcast.  

Some simple tips on how to navigate change
– Develop practices that support you – exercise, healthy nutrition, music, meditation, activities that you enjoy
– Develop your circle of support – people that vibe at the same frequency that you do
– Look for the changes as an opportunity to learn, change or shift, or assisting others in the process of change
– Trust the soul knows the path
– Be aware of your personal coping tools as they may need to change
– Ponder yourself – your emotions, your thoughts, your beliefs, why you do what you do
– Work on healthy communication – not all talk but also effective listening
– Participate in change that will make a difference in tomorrow. 

Shine your light – Shine your Love.