September 2021

September – Harvest Season
Time to say goodbye to August and welcome the energy of September. The number NINE vibration is about completion, transition, endings, or closure to things we may have started as we began the summer months or things we became aware of that we’d held too long.

After the intensity of energy in August, we begin to feel focused and renewed. We are processing new information and emptying old, as September comes jammed pack with refinement, healing, and adjustment.

This month’s focus should be on uncompleted tasks, refining your goals, and finding new ways to improve your current situation. From the Virgo New Moon, Sept 6 to the Pisces Full Moon on Sept 20, September energy and six retrogrades, the universe wants us to dive deep within, take a good look at ourselves, find out what still needs healing, and apply forgiveness for ourselves and others.

The energy begins to slow down as the dog days of Summer give way to the cool Fall nights. We move to the power of the Equinox, gaining fuel that carries us into the months ahead and even into 2022. What are you harvesting now that will take you into 2022? Where are you standing up and following your path?

Fine-tune your desires for emotional and mental fulfillment. Be open and trust the whispers of supportive guidance from your intuition and your guides, then leap, and let go. September is a new dimension of understanding and a beautiful transition into the rest of the year. By releasing the dead weight of the past, you can move into the most brilliant version of yourself.

Listen to Laurie’s August 30th’s podcast for closing out August and more details about the energy of September.
Shine your light – Shine your Love. Shine ON. ~Laurie