November 2021

November – What falls away
It’s an energy packed month again, and we get to make space by allowing things to fall away.
I most frequently hear guidance from the angels telling us to be patient. Be present and learn. Our western world is about ‘getting it done,’ ‘checking the box,’ ‘moving on to the next thing,’ but when we rush to the finish line, we often neglect to understand that the opportunity or gift was in the journey.  2021 has been an amazing journey, though some might not describe it as that.

I looked back on my November 2016 Newsletter to compare where we were then and now. I wrote about our emotional expansion and how the years ahead would challenge us to heal our ancestral wounds, lifetime imprints, and complete our missions. I wrote about the importance of our emotional compass and its relatedness to our mental processes. I wrote about the practice of taking all the universe’s opportunities and processing them without rushing. Those concepts remain more critical than ever. Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth is not done with us yet! 

Our evolution is about learning, accepting, and being aware of how WE are during these times. It involved changing WHO we are during these times. Our internal self-understanding of our emotions and how we experience our journey is the journey.  Now more than ever, it is essential to be present in the immediate moment.  Now we are learning who we are through our relationships and our mental processes that either create openings or roadblocks. The challenges don’t end, but our awareness of how we face these challenges is the maturity of the soul.  

I’ve heard questions through my clients – why do I feel more comfortable in isolation, why is it suddenly hard to be out with others. If you find these statements familiar to your own experience, you are more aware of your frequency and vibration and contrast in the world.  You have become comfortable with your vibration. The shields you probably held at one time are destroyed or abandoned, and how you show up in the world is raw. You’ve become comfortable feeding your energy field and don’t look to the outside world to provide something you can create from within.   There is nothing wrong or bad with this. It just is a step in evolution and the discovery of you.  On the flip side, if you find you don’t like being alone and the isolation feels stifling, this too is a discovery of you and how you feed or distribute energy. The magic of learning while the universe provides the opportunities.  

The end of October marks Samhain, Halloween, Day of the Dead, or All Saints Day. There is magic in the air for death and rebirth, celebration, playfulness and fun, and also honoring the past and our deceased loved ones.  All these things can be celebrated any day we want, but our cultures give us times to pause, remember and learn. The universe also gives us opportunities to pause and it’s usually retrograde season or eclipse gateways that push us on life lessons. November 19 is our final Lunar Eclipse of 2021, it is followed by a Solar Eclipse on December 4, and the Solstice on December 21. This means there are opportunities ahead to leave our ‘junk’ behind. Opportunities to start fresh, redirect, or realign what we want, where we want it, and who we want it with.

Pause to reflect, enjoy, and remember. May you grow and prosper through all your experiences.  It is not a time to check the box but reflect on what these last years’ experiences have helped evolve. What experiences and opportunities did the universe deliver to you? What might you have to process from your experiences in 2021, and what opportunities can the universe provide to you in 2022? 
Shine your light – Shine your Love. Shine ON. ~Laurie