July 2021 – Freedom, Practices and Decisions

This word means so many things for many people—the freedom of our country, speech, equal living and working environments, choice, and more. Our evolution is pushing us to explore where we feel restricted or roadblocked and to MOVE those restrictions. Our quest for better alignment in our relationships, careers, health, education, political and judicial systems are top of mind as the Universe gives us gateways to a better future… if we make changes. 
It’s the summer of ‘gateways’ that will open and close for many until the processing time of the retrograde season is behind us and the last Eclipses of 2021 are complete. Could 2022 be a new frontier for you? That might depend on what you are learning now, letting go, and allowing in. The Universe has many good surprises ahead for us – when we are ready. 

So much of the energy (retrograde) is about shifting our plans, so at the beginning of October when most the planet are back to their forward movement, so are we ready to move forward. Most of the forward motion is deciding to rid ourselves of anything that creates ‘drag’ in our path. Things that are slow or slow us down make us feel edgy to just-get-moving, when the Universe is saying, you-might-need-a-better-plan-first. Delays can be frustrating, but you’ll be more aligned and ready when the Universe provides the perfect timing. 
It is what it is, but it will become what you want it to be.

This month we again have the opportunities to work with the healers of Peru. Want to kickstart your summer? Infuse your energy as you move into the second half of 2021? See below opportunities to work with the powerful healers.

Catch my weekly podcasts or daily posts on social media to help understand and process these times of such massive shifts. Shine your light – Shine your Love. Shine ON. ~Laurie