January – 2022 a year of Venus, a Six Year and the Water-Tiger

Did you know there are at least 29 religious holidays celebrated worldwide between November 1 and January 15? These holidays are fertile ground for clashes and building and changing our beliefs and relationships with the community and others. I love that the universe always allows us to grow and become more loving. 2022 will be a year that will challenge our hearts and our beliefs. It will stretch us to align to our hearts, challenge our mental processes to find a new truth. The breaking down of old processes continues as 2022 challenges us to build upon a new foundation. 

The number 6 (2+0+2+2) relates to Venus, the goddess of beauty, love, relationships, self-worth, and values. Venus rules Taurus, and with the North Node (how you develop in your current life) and Taurus in Uranus, you can expect 2022 to be highly Venus-led. We will be challenged in how we relate to ourselves, others, our communities, and mother earth. We have thoughts and beliefs on everything we relate to, including people, places, experiences, and things. All of it is up for the opportunity to shift. 2022 ushers in a new cycle and year to set us on a different path. The December 13 podcast: 2022-A year about community, relationships, Venus and More will give you an overview for each month in 2022 and the influencing energy of Venus. 

We also have Pluto’s return over the United States. Pluto was last here 248 years ago, around 1774. Pluto is about transformation and growing through the deepening of self-knowledge. It is a time of death of old and birth of something new. 2022 is also the year of the Water-Tiger. The tiger represents energy, strength, protection, altruism, leadership, purposeful, respect, revolutionary ideas, vulnerability, sensitivity, selfishness, overestimation, and an all-or-nothing attitude. We have some significant changes ahead, personally and socially. Changes and challenges that will shape us and future generations. 

2022 can dramatically change our lives for the better, as long as we are not afraid to turn our dreams into reality. Goals are always good, but we have to stop talking about changes and begin making changes. 2022 is a year for starting new projects. Then we will need to protect and give them the same attention the tiger gives to its cubs. We will have to use the moment’s impulse and never lose our focus. The tiger energy will help advance us as we get exposed to situations we have never encountered before. 

2022 is not just a NEW year, but it’s the beginning of a NEW cycle. Change always comes with challenges, but in 2022 we celebrate our growth, and the continuation of the metaphysical and science worlds coming closer together. Laurie’s podcasts and events are intended to help you along this journey with wisdom, insight, and practices. 
Here’s an early listen to January 3rd Podcast – What’s up with the Energies of January
Shine your light – Shine your Love. Shine ON. ~Laurie