December – Gateways of Winter

Gateways of Winter Eclipses, Winter Solstice, a final full moon and entry to 2021.

How do we hold still and embrace the uncertainty of the dark – of the seemingly uncultivated periods of our lives?  

Winter Solstice: the time that T.S. Eliot called ‘the still point of the turning world.’ A time to hold still, right there in the heart of the dark. A sacred pause, in the place between stories. It is the day with the least amount of sunlight in the year and marks the point where we begin to add minutes of daylight each day until we reach peak hours of sunlight in June. Winter Solstice is the festival of lights, is a time of renewal. It’s a time to immerse ourselves in the cycles of nature: of death and rebirth, of darkness and light. It’s a time to think about change and transformation, our inner voice, inner knowing, and a path forward. It reflects where we have been and a decision of what to leave behind and what to carry on. It is the reminder of our resiliency and unfaltering instinct when we trust our inner light.  

How appropriate that we end 2020 with the Lunar Eclipse on November 29, the Solar Eclipse on December 14, and the Winter Solstice on December 21. December 21 is considered the next “Age of Aquarius” moment when Jupiter and Saturn meet for the first time in millennials, at 0° Aquarius. What are the chances to have the two slowest moving visible planets of our solar system meeting precisely in the 1st degree of Aquarius? To many, this marks the official beginning of the Age of Aquarius. We’ve been feeling this energy since 2000. You can listen to my latest podcast – The Age of Aquarius – Looking Back and Forward, where I talk about the previous ‘Ages’ and what the Age of Aquarius represents. 

The Age of Aquarius will come with a completely different “operating system” – something we haven’t seen yet… at least in the last 26,000 years. The codes and keys that we’ve been receiving from the universe prepare us for this time and future.  We can expect new types of energies during this new Age (for the next 2100 years). Other likely developments are artificial intelligence, space travel, and connections with other forms of life. Because the transition from one Age to another is usually 200-300 years, we have already begun to experience advances in these areas. New types of energy are not solely alternatives to oil-based fuel but advances in our understanding of quantum physics and the use of energy for healing and regenerative capabilities. 

This era of ‘WE’ ahead calls for us to be more humanitarian while realizing many souls are still holding on to the archetype energy of ‘ME’ first. Aquarius is the most global sign of the zodiac; it rules networks and communities based on a mutual vision. In the next 2000 years, top-down practices, hierarchical cultures, or extreme political doctrines will be challenged. Some souls will remain in the past, and others will move into a new era of being. We will continue to try to bridge the gap in our world views. 

We push through the gateway on December 21 with the force of Saturn and Jupiter and the potential for something new.
Jupiter pushes on our search for personal meaning, our philosophy of life and purpose, optimism, hope, and a sense of justice and striving for spiritual growth. We are questioning who we are and what we are doing here, and if what we are doing here is enough. Does it make us happy? We feel greater frustrated if we perceive we are not evolving. We will push ourselves for change, get scared of the change, and either retreat or move forward.  

Saturn shows how much self-discipline, our strength of character, and your responsibilities. Saturn shows how we experience “reality,” where we meet with resistance and discover our limitations. It represents the conscience and moral conviction, the laws, and rules which we choose to obey. It also tells us about our powers of endurance and concentration.  
Transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius challenges us to heal and change our beliefs and patterns. 2020 hindsight creates the opportunity for reflection while giving us hope and clarity for a way forward into this new era and 2021.  Shine ON! – Happy Holidays

November 2020 – All Eyes On Us

The world is watching us; more importantly, the Universe is watching us.  
2020- an election year, another year of karmic healing, and a year where timelines feel like they’ve been thrown out the window. Things we planned for have had to pivot, and we continue to shift and redirect to this unexpected energy. Most feel confusion, fear, and chaos swirling around as we now move into the last two months of 2020. Usually, this is a time to reflect on our experiences and our ‘wins’ of the year. We feel hope, optimism, and begin the planning process for our ‘wins’ for the year ahead. But 2020 has paved a path of doubt, caution, and fear, those emotions in themselves become roadblocks for our future. November’s gateway of 11:1 through 11:11 is a crucial gateway of redirection, reassessment, and redefining. Interesting that this falls in the election timeframe, but for us personally, it will provide forwarding clues. The Universe is watching, encouraging, and responding to the energy we are transmitting. Waiting for our next vibrational command. Are we aligned to our heart and humanity, or something else?

Has your vibrational command been one of love, calm, peace, hope, and trust in the future, or has it been more along the spectrum of fear, anger, frustration, and hopelessness. We all need to turn up our lights and shine. Yes, PLEASE VOTE, but the Universe is asking for more…. SHINE YOUR LIGHT. Get back to a place of community, humanity, and collaboration. 
What do you usually do when the spotlight is focused on you? Do you hide or take the opportunity to show the world true-you? Instinct can sometimes push us to hide, but the energies’ reality is that hiding, avoiding, or disappearing is no longer an option. The Universe is watching, and the spotlight is on us. Wherever you are, there you are, and whatever you were dealing with or avoiding is also right there with you. The Universe is expecting change. Sometimes you won’t even know you belong until you get there. It’s been and will continue to be a time of trust that you are on track. 
 Shine ON!

October 2020 – Searching for the Right Piece(s)

October continues to be a month of challenge and tons of fiery energy. The month begins with a Full Moon, which helps us clear away emotions. The Full Moon on 1 is in Fire energy Aries and pushes our IAM buttons. Saturn begins its forward motion on September 29, challenging our beliefs and how we view our reality. It will show us where we meet with resistance and discover our limitations. The new Moon mid-month in Libra will attempt to ‘balance’ out all the fire, and we end the month with a second Full Moon on October 31 in Taurus, leaving us assessing what we have, where we’ve been, and certainly questioning where we are going. The TWO full moons mean this is a Blue-Moon month, and we honor the Harvest and Hunter moon. Mercury will be moving retrograde October 14-November 3, but we begin October under the influence of this shadow energy. Mercury is all about how we think and express yourself – watch the news, news stories, and social media as we continue to struggle with finding the truth and those missing puzzle pieces. Mars sits in Aries’ fire space, and it represents our drive, courage, determination, and sense of freedom. Lastly, the interaction of Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto also add unrest, fire, and the potential for more disruptions.

Humanity is now at a crossroads that will determine the certainty of a path. We are searching for the right pieces to complete the puzzle of what the full picture will be for us in the coming years. 

Do you find you are tired of conspiracies? Those are pieces to our puzzle also, however in this puzzle, not all pieces fit for what we may want the future to be, so we struggle. Like a puzzle, we all hold pieces, and we must work together to discover how and where they fit. Working together will continue to be our key to figuring it out. Keep up with our practices that help you find balance. Pay attention to where you are directing your energy and question if it aligns with your desire for balance. Choose where you focus your heart energy.
Shine ON!

September 2020 – Finding a Way Forward

Finding a Way Forward

September is a change of season and the gateway of Fall. The month begins with a Full Moon on September 2, testing our beliefs, and giving us a clear opportunity for change. The New Moon on September 17 ignites the over-analyzer in us, and for some, this creates the feeling of stuck energy, but it does give us a pause moment to assess and decide. The Fall Equinox on September 22 creates the perfect doorway for us to aim at something new or check what we may have been aiming for, and make adjustments. Jupiter and Saturn go direct this month, creating more restlessness and our desire to move, even if we are not quite sure of the path.

It’s been a tough year, and the familiar excitement and hustle of the kids going back to school has an additional layer of stress added this year. There is an awkward silence in the air that is not a peaceful silence, but one of worry and stress. If you are feeling this energy, the universe is calling for you to turn up your heart light. It is a call to action. Some feel it is difficult to find this place of stillness and love with all global, local, and personal events crashing around us. It is here we are called to find that stillness and center of the heart and remember you are love, and you vibrate to that frequency. It is during times of non-alignment to this vibration that you feel ‘off.’

When I do any energy events, I open a circle of energy by calling in the directional gateways and the Archangels, animals, and elements of those directions. September 22 opens the gateway of Fall. The water element, where we acknowledge Gaia, the water of the earth, and the water of our human form. Archangel Raphael, the healer that helps heal the complex layers of our physical, emotional, mental, and astral bodies. The great bear spirit that knows when to rest and hibernate and when to roam and gather. 
It is a gateway that reminds us winter is coming, and it is harvest time if we have planted well. It is a time of introspection, assessment, and deep learning of the soul. Truly hindsight is 2020, and we know more now than we did in Spring, and we will know more in December than today. We will not have it ALL resolved now, but if we focus on forwarding humankind, we can be in a different place in December than we are now.  

Don’t lose hope; we’ve fought many battles in other lifetimes, and some are just tired. Some signed up to do it again, and some have never experienced such darkness of the heart, but you are here now, and we can’t ignore it. Be kind to yourself and others. Love yourself, and love others. It is time to turn our lights brighter, to see each other. To acknowledge what needs to change, and to welcome change where it is required. Shine ON!

August 2020 – Making I (eye) contact with the Universe

Full-on summer here in the Northern Hemisphere. Wouldn’t it be fun to have heart-shaped tan lines created by these heart-shaped sunglasses? How are you looking out into the world these days? Thriving, surviving, striving, or contriving? It’s been a tough year for most and, at times, challenging to stay grounded, be heart-centered and calm. Lots to remember amid chaos and change. We enter August, which usually is our time for last summer vacations, family gatherings, picnics, and plans for going back to school. This year is different, and many of us don’t know how to be. Our frustrations become lash-outs to the world in the form of polarity and lash-outs on topics like, mask-no-mask, open up or stay closed, truth-non-truth Covid numbers, BLM, and just a whole host of other things taking us away from being heart-centered humans. You picked ‘sides’ playing kickball in school, but are using your energy to pick ‘sides’ in your everyday life? This is the universe showing us where our belief systems are bumping to the reality of the world right now. This is making I (eye) contact with the Universe, and it helps you discover what you value, your belief systems, and what needs some change. 

All this energy can make us feel worn down and tired. See kitty Meeko lying across my desk as I’m trying to work. It may be how many of you are feeling these days—worn out, tired and just wanting it all to go away when you wake from a good nap. 

When you make I(eye) contact with the Universe, it pushes shadow beliefs to the surface, creating a full-on, stare down with the things that don’t belong. It’s unnerving and undoubtedly uncomfortable. The Lion’s Gateway of August happens every year, but the energy is different this year. The retrograde of summer and other planetary influences create the perfect mix for pushing for change. Like the Lion that wants to rule the jungle, what might you be trying to control that is beyond your control? What are you roaring about to the world?

August, the 8th month represents infinity, abundance, fun, creativity, and will(passion). We forget the Universe also has WILL, and so do collective consciousness-groups. The WILL for change. The WILL for something to help us continue on the path to something greater. Are you making I(eye) contact with the Universe and those around you and experience conflict? It’s showing you change is needed. 

The Lion’s gate is open August 8-15, the pressure will be there most the month. Aquarius’s full moon on August 3 will challenge what you think you know, to better alignment with what you know. New Moon on August 18 in Leo will help you express those changes. To help you ease through this time, look for places that you remain inflow of the energy. Direct your power to be in the flow of life. Look from a place of loving-eyes (loving-I’s) and be kind. Stop feeding power to hate, judgment, and anger.

Love to all of you – from the higher dimensions of joy, bliss, and continued balance of truthful love.Prayers for Peace. Laurie~

July 2020 -Reconfiguration of the Energy Bodies

I keep a small garden figure outside my front steps of a pig with wings. I also have one in my entry as a reminder. “When pigs fly” is an adynaton, a figure of speech that is a way of saying that something will never happen. A humorous visual to a more sterile message – it’s never going to happen.
Many of us in disbelief about the events we are reading about, experiencing, or witnessing. The bombardment of media is hard on our senses. It is creating Polarity in our worlds – as a means of forcing change within and around us

Stories of a Sahara dust storm that has crossed the Atlantic and is visible from space, swarms of locusts in Africa feel like summer horror movies, and we find ourselves asking – what next?

What is next? A view of who we are in the face of turmoil, contrast, and the opportunity to create something new. As business models need to adjust and change, so does our innovation of navigating during this time. There is an opportunity in that if you are open to the change. We have one more HUGE portal to step through this July weekend. This full Moon occurs on Saturday, July 4, 2020, at 11:44 PM CDT, is known as the Thunder Moon, known for a time of many summer storms. Thunder, lightening, wind, rain and then calm. This full moon is also an eclipse and it represents death and birth. The closure of old, and the beginning of something new. The darkness is fading into illumination of new light. We aren’t claiming that we’ve learned, but we are acknowledging we have more to learn. We are choosing a different way that better aligns with what our Energy Bodies need for the future. Our Physical, Etheric, Emotional, Spiritual, and Astral bodies are ready to leave behind those things that don’t work. This Full Moon is in Capricorn, which has the energy archetype of I USE, and it will challenge us on how we are using our gifts, resources, relationships, energy, and more.

The shakeups we’ve experienced are shaking us to our cellular core to release the pain and dead energy of the past that no longer has a place within us—cellular-energy detoxification. The months ahead will continue to be challenging as we navigate our futures with a new configuration of our ‘being.’ Be patient, be calm, be kind, and be loving. The real teaching now is to think and process what you’ve learned since December of 2017 (yes, I said December of 2017) Sometimes we take an incredibly long time to learn. In the dimensions beyond 3D, there is no time. All is event and experience-driven.  In retrograde season, until most of September, slow down, pause before action and use your intuition and experience to decide.

What experiences have you had since December of 2017 that created the opportunities for you to learn? These experiences might be in the areas of self-understanding, or family, hearth, and home. Indeed, all centered in relationships with yourself and others. We’ll go into the remainder of July with these themes on our minds and the most relevant and essential experiences and believe ‘when pigs fly’ because anything is possible. This is a time for you to believe in the possibilities of a different future, designed for something new.

Love to all of you – from the higher dimensions of joy, bliss, and continued balance of truthful love. Prayers for Peace. Laurie~ 

June 2020 – Finding Center while Center changes

This period continues to be the most significant time of change that we will experience in our lifetime. There are times of disbelief, horror, and avoidance where we just need to step away for a break, or our brains have difficulty in comprehending what we are witnessing. It is intense time and many of our ‘tools’ aren’t working.

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Everyone is feeling this energy. We don’t have to be psychics, mediums, empaths, or healers to grasp the magnitude of this time. It’s shaking many of us to our core, and that pushes us and triggers us. While opening our hearts and shifting our physical, emotional, spiritual, and energetic being to a new elevation, it triggers us to heal by showing us our deepest fears and challenges. It triggers us to want to shut down and not feel all this pain. It triggers us to want to scream and take action. It triggers what is hidden so it can be illuminated, brought to the surface, understood, and healed. Most of us don’t know what to do with these feelings that have sprung from the basements of our soul. We may attempt to coach others, or yourself to center our energy, remain grounded, find that place of peace. The truth is that we are shifting so quickly that our center is forming a new norm. Just when we thought we were getting a view of what that new norm might be, we’re shifting again. The old ‘center’ no longer exists, and the new ‘center’ is yet to develop. 

All that is happening is to dredge up the darkness that needs to be brought into the light(love). During this time, we may dig deep to find courage, compassion, bravery. Being hit with the tentacles of the pandemic, alongside the protests, riots, and local unrest many cities face is pushing us. It’s forcing us to shift and change, and in this process, we will no longer be the same.
June will continue to challenge us. Eclipse season is upon us.

  • Lunar Eclipse – June 5 – in Sagittarius (archetype – I AIM)
  • Solar Eclipse – June 21 in Cancer (archetype – I Feel)
  • Lunar Eclipse – July 5 in Capricorn (archetype – I Use)

Eclipses are moon cycles on steroids. What were you AIMING at that has been illuminated, that you may need to shift? What is being illuminated now that you need to AIM towards? In this pandemic, we’ve been hearing about pivoting in how we work, careers, etc. The moon energy will also help us see (illuminate) where to pivot to, and what to pivot away from.June 21 Solar Eclipse is also the Equinox (most daylight in a 24 hr. period for the Northern Hemisphere, and the least amount of daylight for the Southern Hemisphere) What is starting, and what is ending. What are we purposefully giving healthy energy to?July 5 Lunar will be course correction or an additional push on our path from the universe.
June is also filled with planets that remain retrograde(internal processing).

  • Pluto – (April 24-Jan 25) death and rebirth and how we can deepen our self knowledge. Applies to legal systems, medical systems, education, health, corporations, leadership.
  • Saturn – (May 11-Sept 29) shows how much self-discipline and strength of character we have.
  • Venus – (May 13-June 25) how we relate to self and others – in Gemini which is how we think-speak
  • Jupiter – (May 14-Sept 12) how we enjoy ourselves and expand our understanding. We’ve been sheltering in place, but what are we learning about what we like/don’t like. Who we like to be around/not be around.
  • Mercury (June 18-July 12) how we express yourself. In Cancer, so it’s also highlight how we feel and how we express those feelings.
  • Neptune (June 22-Nov 28) show how we can best help others. Boy are we getting opportunities to do this now, and it will continue as we look to rebuild in the midst of the pandemic and riots.
  • Uranus and Mar don’t turn retrograde until Aug and Sept.

The point of sharing the energy of the planets? They provide a roadmap, and explanation to some of our experiences. There is a path, and we are on it. Some of us don’t like this road, and would like to be on another path, but it IS the path we are on now. You’ve agreed to be here on earth at this time, to participate in the way your soul agreed. You are experiencing re-calibration, and your center is shifting. To support this part of evolution continue to seek those things that bring you joy and happiness and most of all peace. Connect with friends, family and loved ones, in a way that is safe and honoring. Focus your energy on forward to help, assist, and honor those that that have lost something along this evolution, these done that for us and humanity and all actions are important for our change.
Love to all of you – from the higher dimensions of joy, bliss, and continued balance of truthful love. Prayers for Peace. Laurie~ 

May 2020 – Evolution Continues

This period continues to be the most significant time of change that we will experience in our lifetime. The impacts and outcomes will impact generations to come. We’ve been learning about ourselves in ways we had not intended. We are learning about the people we are sheltering in place with, in ways we had not expected. We have to be creative in our home-role; teaching, master-chef, personal trainer, and technician for all the online tools we’ve begun to use.

May’s planetary influence is Venus in retrograde from May 13 to June 25. Retrogrades are not evil; they are natural cycles for us to reflect internally all that we are experiencing. It’s a time for us to shift and shuffle what we have experienced into new beliefs or affirmation of old beliefs. They are triggers for us to leave behind those patterns that no longer work for us. Our ‘normal’ of the past no longer exists, and we are learning a new model of ‘normal.’ 

Venus is about relationships, and that includes the relationship we have with yourself. Time to assess this past eight weeks and look to a new way of being as we move forward. Don’t let the memories of the past prevent you from seeing the possibility and beauty of something different in the future. All this heart and relationship work provides a gateway for the June 21 Solstice and Solar Eclipse; we’re shown if we are on the path with the most grace. (many of us are stiff choosing to try to take the short-cut.)

You can listen to my April 16 Podcast The most significant evolution of all time is Happening NOW – Pandemic driven evolution

I continue providing readings via phone. I have a large global following, so virtual is pretty normal for many of my clients. All public events continue to be virtual.(Channeling, Sound Healing, Drumming) New curriculum has been added to my online education site
Podcasts, Facebook posts, and my many speaker events continue to be free, as I work with spirit to get messages/information out to you. 

Love to all of you – from the higher dimensions of joy, bliss, and continued balance of truthful love. 

April 2020- Our Greatest Evolution

Recently we have added new meaning to words in our vocabulary—shelter in place, social distancing, virtual meetups and Zoom.   

Going into 2020, we knew that the planetary projections were showing massive change ahead, but none could foresee precisely what that might mean. Pluto represents death and rebirth, and it’s an outer planet, so it corresponds to the structure of systems like legal, financial, healthcare, education, religion, and more. The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn on January 12 indicated the danger of severe disruptions of public life. Even astrology could not foresee that Covid-19 would cause this catastrophic disruption.

A few astrology facts looking at planets that are now in the exact transit position that they were at this point in history.
Last time Pluto was in Capricorn was the American Revolution
Last time Neptune was in Pisces was during the ending American Slavery
Last time Uranus was in Taurus was the end of the Depression 

As a collective, this is the most significant time of change that we will experience in our lifetime. The impacts and outcomes will impact generations to come. It doesn’t have to be all bad. This is a time to look for what this pandemic is showing and teaching us. Sometimes we get stuck or fixated with how did we get here, but we are here, so now it’s about looking forward to what it means. Change. We won’t go back to how we were, there is just too much impacted, but it will drive us to change with a force we cannot ignore.   

This time will show us different ways to communicate. Alternative ways to work, hold meetings, teach, and socialize. (I played Yahtzee via zoom) It is a time that is bringing up our deepest fears that are related to our sense of stability. Coming out of this, we will have dealt with many of our fears, but we will develop new fears. Fear of touching, socially connecting, or traveling. It has the potential to create a ‘we’ vs. ‘they’ world, when really we ARE connected. It will teach us what is essential in our relationships, how to entertain ourselves, and, most importantly, it will change how we communicate. My years leading Corporate Global teams is reminiscent of how I’m talking with clients and hosting group events now. We need connections. We are pack-people needing connection to work, socialize, and live.   

I am continuing to do readings via phone. My events have all moved to virtual.(Channeling, Sound Healing, Drumming)  My online education site has been up and running for months, and I’ll continue to add new classes. I’m doing more social media postings and podcasts. I will continue delivering messages from the angels, guides and universe as to what is happening, why, and how best to lean into this energy.

The virus is energy, and it’s demanding our attention. Time is only a 3D action, in other dimensions of energy everything is event and experience based. We cannot view this as clearing in one month, two month or three month, but based on experiences and our actions. Our actions are important. We are learning a new definition of how we experience ‘time’. Sending you and ‘it’ healing love and light.  

Love to all of you – from the higher dimensions of joy, bliss and continued balance of truthful love. Laurie~

March 2020 – Spring is in the Air

Hello March, the Ides of spring, March Madness, Cabin Fever, St. Patrick’s parades, and the sightings of robins. Sure signs, we are headed towards spring.  I’ll admit I have full-on spring fever. Looking out over the backyard where snow and ice still hide, my flowers and pool area aren’t helping this restlessness, I feel. I hear similar restlessness through my clients and when speaking at events. We’re ready for sun, warmth, and movement.

This year my annual wandering-wondering trip took me south to Texas and then West to Arizona and then back east across the lower states. LOTS of open roads, small towns, and quiet time to think, ponder, and explore.At the moment I can’t remember where I officially removed all my Minnesota winter gear heading south, I was deep in thought of what might be ahead on the road and in 2020.  I noticed a different vibe with people as I interacted with groups at my events. More concern, not as many smiles, and relaxed conversation. People feeling a bit more reserved and serious. Fear was talked about often.  I spent time at the Tucson Rock and Gem show, where the entire city turns into a ‘store’ with vendors from all over the world.

I connected with many of the global vendors I’ve known for years, who shared their worries of what 2020 might mean. Fears of violence, financial stress, global restrictions, and whispers of a pandemic event. They wanted to ‘know’ what’s happening and why.  What do the voices of the wisdom keepers, archangels, and teachers of the universe say about what we are experiencing? Fear seemed to be a common thread. As much as we work on our fears, try to understand them, they quickly become our most significant roadblock. Fear hinders us from expression, sometimes from loving, and most times from living freely.

2020 is going to be a pivot year for many people’s beliefs, processes, and systems that just aren’t working anymore. Evolution means evolving, and that means we move and change with the times, whether we agree or not. We seek truth, and data to substantiate our truth. Truth helps us feel secure, and helps us take perceived risks, while fear prevents us from seeing the possibility.

March reminds us to MARCH forward. We’re usually so ready for a change of season we leap forward. This spring also gives us that opportunity to leap forward, literally leaping (Leap-year) from the end of February into March. March is filled with hope we experience good change, but often change doesn’t just happen overnight, and it doesn’t happen without some push back or an undertow of something old that doesn’t want to let go. MARCH forward, it’s a time of freshness, hope, and the belief things can still happen. It’s a time of renewal, therefore a great time to review and renew what you believe, what you think, and what you thought you knew.   Design how you want to be, live, love, and experience each day, and don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you. Shine on.  Happy Spring! 

Love to all of you – from the higher dimensions of joy, bliss and continued balance of truthful love. Laurie~