February 2020 – The Vibration of the heart.

“Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein

The Law of Nature states everything has a vibration. The Law of Vibration states that everything vibrates and nothing rests. Everything is made up of atoms that are in a constant state of motion, and depending on the speed of these atoms, things appear as a solid, liquid, or gas. These layers of energy create our physical being, but we also have layers around us that comprise our energetic, emotional, mental, and astral layers. There are studies of the interactions of these energies, including when they clash. 

“From the standpoint of quantum physics, as we examine ever smaller particles of matter – people made of cells, made of molecules, made of atoms, made of protons/electrons, made of quarks, etc. – we eventually reach a state of reality where the smallest particles of matter, when broken further, do not yield smaller particles which we can put names on, but rather a universal energy matrix of relationships of vibration patterns. In actuality, there is nothing solid in the universe at all. Consciousness itself is a vibration pattern.” Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, Center for Neuroacoustic Research

We vibrate at varying frequencies, and we also have conflicts of energy with other frequencies. When you feel irritated, it’s an off vibration, either yours or the other persons. It’s vibration, and YOU have the power(vibration) to shift it. 

If you want to manifest(create) something, vibrate to that frequency. There have been studies of the human form and its impact on vibrational energy documented as early as 1928. The Buddha said, “anything that arises in the mind starts flowing as a sensation on the body.” If everything vibrates and vibration affects our life and our physical bodies, and we manifest based on those vibrations, how can we attract what we want in our life? 

Vibrations of the same frequency resonate with each other, so like attracts like energy. As human energy, our vibration creates and magnetizes like frequencies to us. When we focus on a particular thought or idea, it will eventually attract its vibrational match. Vibrational matches include both high (happy) or low (sad) frequencies. 
The strongest vibrational magnet starts with your emotions and how you feel about something. Whenever you are transitioning to something new or different, your emotions are releasing, expanding, and evolving. You may want to use the help of other vibrational frequencies to keep your emotional vibrational energy high. Music in the frequency of 432Hz works at the heart chakra, “the feeling,” and therefore could influence the emotional change in any situation. 432Hz is our actual heart frequency and, thus, can contribute to creating a sense of balance. 528Hz, according to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, is believed to have the ability to heal damaged DNA. There have been scientific leaps in understanding vibration. Studies in this area continue as science becomes more interested and evolves in understanding the impacts of energy on the physical bodies, emotional and spiritual bodies. 

February is a great heart month. I’m not speaking about valentine’s day, but a month to focus on emotions from the heart. Venus and other planets of transition create a force and focus on the heart. The full moon on Feb. 9 will illuminate areas of the heart to either clear or expand. The full moon is in Leo, with an archetype of ‘I WILL.’ This energy is about also sexuality and eroticism, creative expression, and you’ll feel the force of proving to others ‘I WILL’. Address any illumination to areas of truth, things you’ve not wanted to admit, or the world to know. Free this energy so that you can focus on the pure vibration of the heart, and the real things you want to manifest in your life.

Love to all of you – from the higher dimensions of joy, bliss and continued balance of truthful love. Laurie~

January Welcome 2020- Oozing with Joy and Opportunity

Goodbye 2019, and a decade of uncovering the soul through discovery and healing. Welcome 2020, and the next decade of understanding, truth, an upgrade to our tools, and integration.

We move quickly into January with several planetary influences that continue to carry the energy from the December 21 Winter Solstice and the December 25 Solar Eclipse. Both reminded us of our inner flame and the time for ignition or our dreams and visions.

The fires are burning, and 2020 is asking for action. We’ll have some clarity on direction, and if we need to make any adjustments as the Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon on January 10 will illuminate any modifications we might need to make. It creates another doorway of opportunity (01-11-20). Keep an open eye for what presents itself. Remember the universe is beginning to deliver on your dreams.

The planetary interactions with Pluto (death/rebirth) in 2020 will create an abundance of opportunities for change. Often these opportunities will appear and disappear quickly. To take advantage, we have to be clear on our overall plan, so when the opportunities arise, we can identify them and act. Not all opportunities will align us to our path, so the way of new will be necessary. Be clear to what you left behind. If your filters aren’t yet adjusted, you may interpret an opportunity as good when its an anchoring you to your past and something you no longer desire.

The movement of Saturn and Pluto will start on January 20 of 2020, and it will last 34 years. Saturn shows how we experience “reality,” where we meet with resistance and discover our limitations. So the upcoming months will give us opportunities for trial-error, learning, and discovery of this path. New gifts will emerge, that may include greater use of intuition and inner knowing, and finally a sense of calm, peace, and self-love.

The movement of Jupiter and Pluto will start on July 31 of 2020, and it will last 12 years. Jupiter is about the search for personal meaning and purpose, optimism, hope, and a sense of justice. We’ll begin to feel the rise of the questions, why am I here, what am I doing, and how do I get there.

There will be many opportunities in 2020 for alignment and adjustments, just stay the course and remember you are learning trust. Trust of the soul path.

Below you will find many of my 2020 events, classes, and retreats. You can visit my calendar for ALL events. Spirit has opened the flood gates with messages and information and I’m committed to getting it to you in as many formats and methods as I can as a way to help you understand and ease through this transformation we are experiencing. This is new for us, and our guides, teachers and helpers of the Universe are assuring us they are with us, and are near us to help. Old paradigms are falling away leaving us feeling a bit unstable, but new ways of coping and being are entering our fields, and we will learn to trust them.
Shine ON! Laurie

December 2019- Sun Dogs or Angels?

We call them Sun Dogs, but I like to think of the energy as a reminder that we have love around us, in the form of helpers of the Universe – our angels, guides, or loved ones.

It’s the season of gatherings and traditions — some happy and loving memories, and perhaps for some memories of sadness. Family and Christmas gatherings were part of my upbringing. Food, music, laughter, dishes-first before the gifts. Warm memories. I also have a newer memory of losing my dad during the holiday season, which has created a contrast of both joy and sometimes sadness during this time. Some of you reading this newsletter may relate.  It is a season to remember. It’s a time or reminiscing past years, and we can’t help but think of our loved ones as we play through our memories. But ‘play’ is the keyword, as it’s also a time to recognize the joy in our lives.

Not all of us connect with our families during the holidays. Either through choice, life events, or physical distance might create the spans in our gatherings. My wish for you this season is JOY and PEACE.
We close out 2019 and look to a new decade of opportunity. 2020. Hindsight is always 2020, but what might you see for your future? What might you plan now to create memories in your future?

December is an excellent month for reflection of what might be ahead. The window between 12-12 and 12-24 usually creates a natural portal of energy, and we study the planetary influences to guide us. The Winter Solstice on 12-21 reminds us of the light we have burning within and urges us to ignite our spirit as we begin to experience more daylight. This year we have a powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse on 12-26 that welcomes us to dream big and dares us to take a look into our future. Make some decisions and take some chances on our dreams. The Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon on 1-10-20 will illuminate any adjustments we might need to make.

The planetary interactions with Pluto (death/rebirth) in 2020 will create powerful shifts. The movement of Saturn and Pluto will start on January 20th of 2020, and it will last 34 years. Saturn shows how we experience “reality,” where we meet with resistance and discover our limitations.  
The movement of Jupiter and Pluto will start on July 31st of 2020, and it will last 12 years. Jupiter is about the search for personal meaning and purpose, optimism, hope, and a sense of justice. So is faith, and underlying philosophy of life, the striving for spiritual growth and expansion impacted? 

November 2019- Flying with Angels

The picture below is from my recent trip to Scotland with 15 amazing women. Angels playing bagpipes. Why not, right? It creates an image of happiness and joy, to imagine angels dancing, singing, playing, and being happy in the heavens. I’m often asked what do our loved ones do after they leave this earth. Many times, I experience them as dancing, playing, or another activity that we may associate with joy. This is symbolic of the joy they are experiencing.

On the flight home, flying west from NY to MN, we followed the sunset and the magnificent colors of a brilliant sunset. It memorized me, and I felt such sincere gratitude rise in my heart as I watched the light of the sky and land come together on the horizon. The clouds had incredible wisps, and they reminded me of dancing angels.  

The season of Fall has brought opportunities for introspection and change. Much like the season change, where the trees lose their leaves, we also prepare for change, by stripping away those things that we no longer need.

When we are challenged by such earthly events of change, and we do the adjust, we discover the layers of power we have access to, and the angels dance, sing and cheer us on. It might not always feel like we have a cheering section, but our helpers of the universe are there for us. We are on an extraordinary journey, and all the work we do is about our evolution. All the adventures, experiences, and challenges are our opportunities for individual or community soul growth. The angels sing their joy for the work we do.  Past lives are often about suppressing our emotions and mastering survival. The physical body has evolved to support us on this journey. The evolution of science and the understanding of the human body, have created medical advances to extend our physical being. We’ve yet to traverse this same journey for the mastery of our emotions. We are healing and understanding the depths of our emotions and how this work also extends our lives. We are struggling here.

We are in the infancy of this journey. Many are called to better understand emotions and the emotional health of ourselves and our communities. You’ve heard the calling and have stepped forward to learn, to provide, or to support.Shine ON!  November is a portal month (11th month), and on November 11 an additional portal opens. November 12 Full moon will illuminate shifts for us.

Stay the course, hearing the messages or queries that the angels send to you. They dance for joy when you do your work and when you assist others to do their work. Shine ON!   Much Love and Light – Laurie

Hello October 2019

2019 is flying along! Three months to 2020. Where did summer go? Where did the last ten years go? There is no time in higher dimensions, and our evolution connects us and has us moving within higher states of ‘being.’ We’ve been busy riding the waves of the energy. All the portals and surges of light hitting us this summer have kept us moving along the road of transformation. The energies of summer pushed our buttons and our limits as we experienced new streams of change. We’ve been shown the reality of our ‘self stories’, and give tools to blast through old beliefs and habits that we won’t need in these other states of ‘being.’ Chiron, the wounded warrior, continued to push on ancestral wounds to clear all paths for transformation. Nothing to hold you back but yourself. The intensity of the energy and these experiences is a step in the evolution process.   

The universe listens and responds to us with ‘gifts’ disguised as opportunities and challenges that create or force change. The change creates a new version of YOU.  

Fall is about harvest and the success of the energy we invested in spring and nurtured over summer. During harvest time, we compare what we planned to the reality of now.  

The themes of change are usually not isolated to a single area of your life. They are meant to create momentum to more significant changes, or sometimes have a catapulting effect on your life. This may be the upgraded version of you, and it can only come with incredible change. Perhaps you’ve been asking yourself these questions and making changes in your life. It’s a season of reflection, adjustment and action for correction.   

Are you happy?

Are you living a purpose-filled life?

Are your relationships aligned with your soul and your life goals? 

Are you speaking your truth without intending to dim the light of others?

Are you aligned with new beliefs, having released limiting stories?

Are you living a life of your-defined harmony?  

Perhaps you have focused on the art of listening and observation and now have new tools that assist with clarity. The observer aspect of you collects the information it receives and processes it with ease without attachment to the information. You sift or filter based on its resonance with your higher self, all while listening inwardly. It is listening without having to have immediate action. You begin to feel more peaceful and patient. This is the elevated version of you. The doors are open for you to create your best self.

Go for it!  Happy October. 
Much Love and Light – Laurie

September – Change of Seasons

Sometimes old habits die hard. Sometimes that includes processes and practices that are deeply ingrained that it requires intense focus to transform it into something new. This has been the theme for many of you this summer. Letting go of old practices, finding new ways to do old things or the discovery of a new way of being.

I’m finding myself at the end of August a bit miffed at myself for not having all my 2020 events, retreats, etc., planned and scheduled. A sudden notice and amusement of habits from 30 years of a Corporate structure that are yet so deeply embedded within me, they just show up! Many of you can relate to this. Planning for the year ahead begins in August. All plans going through an approval and revision structure and then finalization by the end of September. It is important to think and plan ahead in many areas of our lives, but then the reality is that not everyone is on the same timeline, nor does everyone have the same vision. In the world of Spirit and other dimensions, there is often is no timeline or the universe has other plans. You’ll feel your most comfortable when you remain true to your path and the voice of your soul and know you are exactly where you need to be.
Summer of 2019 began to show us separation from some of our visions or plans. Perhaps they didn’t make sense anymore, or we outgrew them. We had to make adjustments or create new plans. Many of you spoke about feeling that everything coming at you was a curve ball. You’ll have lots of curve balls if you hold to rigidity without flow. 2020 will continue to enforce and teach about agility and resiliency. Be in the moment and alert for unexpected events to show up. We can thank Uranus and Pluto for that. Everything we have been experiencing this summer has been preparing. In a few of my last podcasts, I talk about living in the energy of surety of self and trust without having to know every detail. Trusting that what is showing up is matching your vibration, then allowing for the element of magic and surprise because that’s what the universe does.  

As we move into September, September 23 is the Fall Equinox and the gateway of Fall. It’s a time of reflection and introspection of all that we’ve experienced over the past months. It’s Bear energy that reminds us to take time from usual routines and time in solitude. Be gentle and show your love to those you’re close to and seek answers to your questions by going inside rather than looking external. Listen to your soul. 
Much Love and Light – Laurie

Energe Take Two – August 2019 Entering the Lions Gate

Energe Take TWO– Are you familiar with the stones that are carved with inspirational words like LOVE, BELIEVE, PEACE, SUCCESS, etc?  This stone was carved ENERGE and it is not a typo. 

My spell check will continue to warn me that it’s a misspelled word. Dictionary.com will tell me there is no such word and Grammerly will continue its attempt to correct it. The French spelling of Energy is Energie’. I could continue with my research but I stop here, knowing I now have multiples of this carved stone in my possession, and it is once again a message.
In 2011 on a trip to North Minnesota I stopped at the rock shop in Beaver Bay, MN. I found two stones with the word ENERGE engraved into them. At the time I purchased them I thought they said Energy. I bought both with the intent to give one to my travel/spiritual buddy who was here from out of town doing some teaching with me. Everything is energy to me, so appropriate for what we were teaching. Later as I gave the stone to my friend, he laughed saying I was giving him a misspelled-word-stone. It was here I first noticed the spelling…. ENERGE and had a realization it was a humorous yet deep message.

Definition of Energy is the capacity for vigorous activity; available power. The substance that moves us and keeps us in action.    

Emerge means, to come forth into view or notice, as from concealment or obscurity, to come into existence or to develop. 

The stone is Yellow Calcite, and its vibration value is an uplifting stone that enhances meditation, induces a deep state of relaxation and is believed to provide greater spirituality in linking to the higher mind or higher consciousness. It’s an incredibly expansive energy. PERFECT !! 

Putting this all together at that time we believed it meant having available power that is to come into view or to be developed by the higher mind as a means of providing greater spiritual information for evolving higher consciousness. Affirmation at the time of being on track.

You may say that’s a stretch. Not really. I look back to what has evolved and come through my work since 2011 to 2019 and feel its similar to being in a speeding spacecraft. Each day we are given signs, symbols, some common and some just odd. We have information available to us all the time, we simply need to be observant. All messages are meant to help us, provide clues or reassurance along our journey.   

How many times had I looked at those stones and not really looked at the word? I just skimmed right over it, my brain filled in what would have been an actual word. Apply this to our greater world of being…. How many times might we take something at surface and not really SEE or EXPERIENCE it and allow our brain or past experience to fill in what we think it is, but not even see what is actually there.

I’ve been to this rock shop each year and always dig through the word-stones. How many times did I stop at any box of rocks with words carved on them checking to see if I’d find another. What are the chances in 2019 that I’d find ENERGE again? Well I did and I clutched that stone like it was a huge chunk of gold. 2011 was a significant spiritual development year for many, a year of ending and new beginnings and I believe 2019 is equally expansive. Shifts and awareness in our beings are more of a norm and we are hungry for information and clues to let us know we are on path. 

In August the Lion’s Gate opens on 8-8. It is a portal day with the opportunity to celebrate where we’ve been and decided where we are going. Messages about our pathway will continue to be shown us before 8-8 as through August. The full moon on August 15 will help to illuminate hidden things about what we’ve chosen while shining light on some new pathways. The number 8 turned on its side is the infinity sign and is believed to add some extra magic to the day for those things set in forwarding motion. I share more information on these magical days in my latest podcast. Listen HERE

Get your space gear on – rockets are firing and ready to take off!!  
 Love and much Light. Laurie

July – Portal within portal, within portal, within portal… OH WOW!!

June-July-August is a time of gateways and opportunities. At this same time, it is a time of change and personal shifting. In early June, I began to receive messages of these portals. As the information was coming to me, I asked for a visual to help explain this phenomenon of the Summer of Portals, Partnerships, opportunities, and change. 
We are never complete on our journey of transformation. We came here to this life to have experiences that help us grow and evolve our soul. We came here to help or support others to grow and develop their soul. We came here because we have roles in A or MANY collective consciousnesses that will evolve humanity.  

This three-month span creates natural gateways for us to evolve. Not all will go through these portals. Some will choose to not step through any gateways, while others will be speaking loudly to the universe to bring it ALL on. Some will have a choice, and others may be pushed through the doorways. Some may hear, ‘it’s not time just yet, you have work to do right here.’ During these gateways, you may experience, or others may experience profound change. Be kind to yourself, and be kind to others as they may not even be aware of the shift that is happening.  
I recently had a triggering event with a sibling that I didn’t even know was within me. It took me totally by surprise as nothing was bubbling prior, or after. In fact, the trigger was an event I’d heard about that happened 4-5 years ago. After processing it in my mind and heart for a few days, I was able to understand and clear this energy. It wasn’t about my sibling at all, but a deep childhood feeling that just no longer needed to be stored in my physical or emotional cellular structure. Still, I was shocked by the power this feeling stirred within me. Mind you – through this ENTIRE experience, I had no interaction with my sibling about it. It was all about me and my view of the world, but it was there, suddenly raw, and needed to be healed. Expect this sort of unexpected opportunity and remember you have all the tools to understand, healing, repair, and move on. No drama, nothing getting stuck, just merely a clearing, so you have space for more ‘good stuff’ ahead. Anything that just is taking up space is being shaken up and moved on.  

We are getting help from the universe in planetary movements and retrogrades. We are feeling it in the vibrational frequency and tones of both the earth and the universe. Spikes of over 10x the normal range of the Hz in Schumann Resonance have been recorded recently. Normal fundamental measurement is 7.82 Hz, the second layer is 14.1 Hz, and the third is 20.3, but lately, the spikes have been around 90Hz. Depending on your vibrational frequency, you will feel these jumps differently – but 90 Hz is going to be felt by everyone. 

The earth has been preparing for these jumps. All this wet weather mimics the water content needed on earth to make any transitions. Just like human cells are 70-80% water, the earth water required to be at a level for these frequencies to come in. (later podcast coming on this).  I will be continuing to create messages around these portals through the month, with some mini-meditations to help shift the energy in your bodies. Agitated, edgy, crabby, fuzz-brain, etc. are all symptoms when the external vibration doesn’t align with our internal cellular structure.  

These changes are GOOD changes. Actually, they are GREAT changes, allowing for new growth, and a new way of being. We continue to learn about what makes us shine the most. Shine ON – Love and Light to you this July ~Laurie

June – Energies of Summer

The gateway of summer is opening, and energetically we are experiencing lots of Venus energy. This means we have a summer of relationships and the opportunity to learn more about our emotions through the interactions we have with others. I’m not speaking strictly of romantic relationships, but all connections we experience. Some may still be working on childhood or past life wounds, but most have evolved their toolset to accommodate the shifts and changes that are needed for this cycle of the summer of transformation. Summer Solstice in June reminds us of the cycle of planting and nurturing. July includes a set of eclipses that will give us insight into our progress and the outlook for the year ahead.

It remains a time of emotional discovery and deep learning of the soul. Often times in heavy Venus energy, we feel a deep longing for partnership and close relationships, and if we perceive we don’t have that, we feel lonely. Our loved ones, angels, and guides step in to support us and surround us as we maneuver our exposed emotions.  We are never alone.
You may be feeling the ‘strangeness’ of this shift in frequencies in many ways. Feeling lost, directionless, or confused about the many opportunities before you or frustrated if you think there are NO opportunities. You are NOT lost, but you may be expecting an outcome that is not aligned to your soul. You are NOT lost, but the timing may not be what you expected. You are NOT lost, but you are missing the messages of the universe because you are fixated on what you expect it to ‘look like.’ Now is a time to expect the unexpected.

We are all feeling this shift of 2019 and the impact of Venus energy in different ways. Please don’t compare where you are to those around you as this only shadows your own path.  You are never alone, and there are helpers in the universe that are there to assist you, whatever the journey.
Growing up outside a small town just south of the cities, I would ride my bike to hang out with my friends. This bike ride included racing downhill on a gravel road past a home that had two dogs that would viciously chase anything with tires. The downhill ride to town was easy because, by the time they’d realize something was coming, you’d likely be past them. These were only short moments of fear, and once past the nipping dogs, it was clear pedaling. A short distance ahead and the road turned to smooth pavement, and I’d be off to spend time with my friends. The uphill ride home, was more challenging. They could see me coming, the gravel would slow me down and required a bit more planning for a running start up the hill. Too fast on the pavement and I could wipe out once my tires hit loose gravel, and too slow and the dogs would be waiting for me. There were longer routes I could have taken, but few moments of fear never deterred. I learned to ride through the fear, or perhaps was it exhilaration? It might feel you have nipping dogs at your ankles now in this energy, and you may even want to stop, or give up but don’t let fear stop you. Is it fear? Be realistic about the ride and learn from it. There could be a fantastic adventure beyond.

Listen to my upcoming podcast on What’s Up with this Energy – June 2019 or my May 26 Episode – You are Never Alone- What the angels and guides have to say. Listen Here Shine ON – Love and Light to you this June ~Laurie

May 2019- Happy may and the Beginning of a NEW Cycle

Spring, sweet breezes, rain and the freshness of new beginnings.  East is associated with Spring, robins and eagles, the element of wind and new beginnings. The astrological signs begin its new yearly cycle at the end of March-April. It’s a time of renewal, refreshing and frequency of vibrancy that we’ve been waiting for.   The Full Moon of April 19 brought closure to an old cycle that for many began nine years ago, some three years ago. In either case the planets in place now.

NEW Beginnings

April 2019 was defined as the completion of a soul cycle and continuation of our internal transformation process. The Portal of March 22 to April 22, included the power of the New Moon in Aries, and three planets moving into retrograde: Jupiter( April 10th to August 11), Pluto (April 24th to October 3) and Saturn (April 29 to September 18). The Full Moon in Libra on April 19 completed the closure of old and signified the opportunity for the beginning of a new cycle. The old cycle included years of internal work of clearing soul karma, aligning the soul journey, and spiritual evolution. The new cycle provides opportunities and pathways to a deeper understanding of self, the realization of your power, higher soul evolution and more ways to your soul dreams to reality.

Retrograde planets provide an opportunity for us to take out outer-life-experiences and use them to understand our purpose, our soul, our reality, realign our dreams and begin to shine them outward when the retrograde period is complete.  

Jupiter  The search for individual meaning and purpose, optimism, hope and a sense of justice is represented by Jupiter. So also our faith, an underlying philosophy of life, the striving for spiritual growth and expansion of the soul.
Saturn shows how we experience “reality,” where we meet with resistance and discover our limitations. It represents the conscience and moral conviction, the laws, and rules which we choose to obey. It also tells us about our powers and abilities.
Pluto describes how we deal with power, personal and non-personal. It explains how we meet with reality, letting go (death and rebirth) of those things that no longer make sense, and our capacity for radical change and rebirth.

In this new cycle, what are you becoming?  What are you creating NEW? What or who do you want in your life? What do you want from life and your experience here on earth?
As you ponder those questions and use the energy of May also ask;Are you complete in the closure of anything old, so you have space for anything new? Are you open and ready for the universe to deliver all that you’ve been working towards?Are you absolutely SURE what you are desiring or focusing on is right for you?  Take the opportunity of the May energy to recharge and reevaluate your path.