February Wonder-ing

We are wrapping up January, and the energetic remnants of 2018 that are still playing in our energy field. Many things that have surfaced for us are in the final stages before they vibrate out of our field near the end of February. Hang in there, some may not yet feel all the stability and excitement of 2019, but it’s on its way. In numerology 2019 it’s a ‘3’ year, and is a significant number in Numerology. It can be a magic year for many of us. Three is a symbol of the Trinity and a number that brings good luck. It’s known to inspire and encourage generosity, power, and positivity. On the heels of two January Eclipses that help propel us forward, it’s already begun as a magical year. Its creative energy gives people the strength they need to express their ideas freely. It motivates all the life paths to rise to the challenges they face as well as to defeat the obstacles that may be presented.  

It’s a year of potential and good things on the horizon. The universe provides new pathways and clues to our alignment to those pathways. February is a month to wonder so be aware of this energy. 
When you travel are you one that likes your trip to be perfectly mapped? No surprises, all details planned out for the journey? Then you may struggle with all the options before you now. If you like variety, challenges, adventure, and alternatives to choose any path, then time may seem easy and fun for you. Our pathways have detours, road construction and the opportunity to get lost, or to see great things. Observe where you are and where you have been only to help you go forward. Enjoy this journey. Shine your light, be authentic to your truth and be patient but continue to be in awe, wonderment, and curiosity of what may be ahead.

December 2018 – My Wish For You

My wish for you this holiday season is calm, peace, and that you be surrounded by people that support this energy. My wish for you is that you be held in the vibration of love and the environment that supports unconditional love. My wish for you is that you shine your light so bright that others recognize your soul essence.
Being in a state of worry, or replaying a ‘stress’ event continues this process. We know this impact on the physical body, our pupils dilate, our heart rate increases, glucose is released in our system for bursts of fleeing energy and blood flow moves to our extremities away from our internal organs so we can move quickly. Our immune system takes a hit as it adrenaline and cortisol flood our muscles to assist in defending us. Circulation in the brain shifts to reaction vs. thought and analysis. We know the chemical reaction and its impact over time, but what is the effect of stress on our auric bodies?
The Etheric Energy Body – The second etheric layer is the skin of our energy fields. It feeds us information about them and me. This auric field begins to contain holes, and we experience conflict between our inner and outer world. We start to lose the ability to differentiate between mine and yours, and it begins to feel like you are taking it all on! The chakra system in the body slows or even stops to self-preserve.  
The Emotional Energy Body – The emotional layer is the keeper of your feelings. It is here where both fears and celebrations reside.  Feelings are gathered and explode in the space of rawness. We begin to shut down emotionally, and the first thing we do is disconnect from other sources of emotions (people) The emotional body, which is where we manifest from retreats or flattens, and it moves to survival mode. It shrinks and hunkers down. Emotions can be out of control, or there are none. The chakra energy points for our identity, security, expression, intelligence and intuitive spirit and basis for how we live is altered.  The universe will begin to interject in an attempt to wake us from this state.
The Mental Energy Body – Our belief systems are also stored here. This is where our thoughts are assimilated and sorted out. It is where ideas evolve to the outer energy fields. In this layer, our personal truths, or rather, our perceptions based on our experiences are stored.  This is where fear, doubt, overwhelm creep in. We move into analysis paralysis and further shut down from any or all opportunities that the universe may present. NOTHING presented to us filters in. This is where we begin to say things like, ” oh I tried that, it won’t work, nothing will work.” We feel defeated feel hopeless.    
The Spiritual/Astral Energy Body – The spiritual layer of the human energy field is the final layer. It has been said to be the place where our “consciousness” or “higher awareness” resides.  We begin to lose our connection to our soul journey, soul purpose and the divine outer light that is always there to assist us. Living in stress is living in a constant state of chemical imbalance as we try to survive. ALL layers of our being are impacted, and this stunts our normal evolution process
@ 2017 Laurie Wondra – Evolving as a Higher being. ‘
My wish for you this holiday season is healing, health, love, peace and that your dreams manifest. My wish for you is that you shine your light so bright that others recognize your soul essence. 
Shine ON – Love and Light ~Laurie

November 2018 – Experiences of Life – time of reflection

I’m often curious about how people see their experiences in life. We reflect on events in our life and categorize them into good, bad, great, awful, remember or forget. We all have categories and when you indicate which of these categories do you reflect on the most.
The planetary support in October and November throwing us deep into these experience categories. If you have been working on organizing your personal spaces, and that’s an example of external organization, but our spirits are working on our internal space. Cleaning, tossing, saving and simplifying applies both to our personal space as well as our emotional health. In either case, we often find things we’d forgotten about. Neptune natal retrograde is creating this unplanned cleansing for our souls by showing us those forgotten or purposefully hidden memories. Most of what we are attempting to clear are not from this lifetime. Present day life events are only the catalyst for transformation of our emotional memories. 
This transformation includes speaking the truth for things you’ve held on to. Finding your voice to honor your experiences. There is again more light coming into the planet, and this is highlighting the opportunity of our soul growth. 
I’m curious, how you are looking at your past? What areas are you yet afraid to look at, for fear of the emotion it might dig up. Confused about feelings that you feel don’t have any history (at least in this lifetime) Honor your feelings and your history. Transform the thread, cords, and relationships of past. No long cut the ties or cords, but rather transform them by honoring the experience. Doing this is what will provide a clear gateway for your future.  
Love and Light ~Laurie

October 2018 Intensity

You are always who you are until you are something else. Right now you may be trying to figure out who or what this ‘something else’ is. Planets and the energy is creating an expedited evolution phase. 
If you don’t feel like you (I know that sounds silly) you may be trying to find your true self or authentic self. Authentic you is always you until you are a ‘new’ you and right now you are becoming a ‘new you’ so you may feel you are lost. Feels like a mind game and an emotional roller coaster, often starting with a self-judgmental question of what should I be doing?  
September was a push forward month with the speed of change that left you standing at a finish line asking ‘what just happened.’ The month disappearing into the past at the snap of a universal finger. 
October will have us seeped in Chiron’s energy of emotional expansion as you are introduced to new aspects of yourself, that include the discovery of tolerance levels, boundaries and finally your ability to say NO to those things that don’t seem to matter so much. Venus is retrograde beginning October almost through the entire month, and other planetary aspects are hammering our emotion body with anything that has to do with relationships. This is not just romantic relationships, but all relationships. Hang in there, the shift takes us to a deeper understanding of purpose, potential and use of our gifts we’ve discovered along the way.  

September 2018 – Happy Movement

It’s the month many of us look forward to and love, and also the month we experience some sadness. End of summer, kids going back to school, and we begin to listen for signs of winter. It is a time of year for introspection and processing of what spring and summer have meant to us. We assess time and how we used our spring to start projects and summer how we nurtured or worked on those projects. What did we finish and what was never begun.

Where are you? Are you dreaming, chasing your dreams, living your dreams or are your dreams chasing you? Those can be significant questions, and during introspection, we might not feel comfortable addressing any of those questions. It is healthy to reflect without judgment. It helps us move into action, and September is an active month based on your introspection. Perhaps some of your dreams or projects were not meant to be done in 2018, maybe you will be in a better place to activate them in 2019. Perhaps your ideas or projects never needed action, perhaps you’ve outgrown that part of your life. Maybe you needed to say goodbye to some dreams.

The summer of 2018 may have been brutal to our emotional energy fields. We either dove into this work, or were thrust to do that work. It was HARD but productive. It would be healthy to assess and honor those experiences as you go into the fall season. Planetary, September will be a healthy month for assessment and reactivation of some of those dreams, or the release and understanding that they no longer fit us. The energies of September are lighter if you’ve done the deep work this summer. Pathways are shown, and perhaps they are not what you planned or expected, but they are your pathway to ‘next.’ Trust, and follow. Your hard work and faith in your dreams coming true. Go YOU!

In Gratitude !

August 2018 – Lions Gate, Solar Eclipse and Soul Realization with Venus Rising

The waves of summer energy continue, and August will be equally packed with more punches from the universe. The Lion’s gate happens each year and will be open from July 26 to August 12. The Lion’s gate is when Earth and the sun align with Sirius that creates this intense energy. Sirius is strong masculine energy, so it has some strength to it to fulfill its pushing purpose. The energy intensity peaks on August 8.

Photo by Emma Wondra Copyright 2018
Feminine Rising – Lake Superior Midnight Moon and Venus

Because we also have so many planets retrograde it creates additional opportunity for us to reflect on our lives, make bold changes, drop old imprints and heal old wounds. The full moon on July 27 illuminated some of our shadows. The purpose was to shine the light (love) on it and repair it. The universe has held us in this place this summer to do some incredibly deep heart work.

2018 Lion’s gate feels more intense because it spans the Lunar Eclipse we experienced on July 27 and the Solar Eclipse we will encounter on August 11.  The Solar Eclipse on July 12 gave us glimpses of next steps on our journey. The Lunar Eclipse on 27 worked with old emotions and wounds, and those things that would prevent us from obtaining what is next on our path. Some of you may still be in this phase of cleanup.

This Solar eclipse provides light for our path and any visions or dreams we created. Towards the end of August, we will start to notice life settling back down to a more relaxed and manageable level, though still intense for some if you are fighting to hold on to old junk.  The eclipses of 2018 are connected to the eclipses ahead in July of 2019, so some of your dreams might take a full year to see progress.

Venus rising, the energy of love has been pushing all summer, while Mars (the action and movement planet) has been retrograde, thus holding us in the middle of our personal emotional flames. All are with the purpose for us to feel and heal at new levels. We have to do this work now, and how you do the work will create your experience now and moving forward into Fall.

Most of the light codes and information now coming into our fields are shifting our filters about life and more importantly bringing a new dimension of love. This is Venus rising and Soul Realization of its power. It creates a new filter for us to use and is needed to help us move forward. It includes how we love, who we love, our definition of love, an understanding of the layers of love, and using love as a real gateway to connect with others. It is acceptance of the rising feminine energy as a strength, not a weakness. (both men and women have masculine and feminine energy)

Love is just as much a commitment as it is a feeling and we will need to be committed to how can use the frequency of love to address the world. The heart frequency is believed to be 528 Hz, and it has long been aligned with the frequency of the earth. As a sound healer, I’ve spoken for years about frequency, scales, chakras, and tones of the universe. I realize that is only one level of love, and 528 Hz is just the beginning. There are many dimensions to this and to us, and we’ll begin to explore these new frequencies in the coming months and years.  As we understand its depth, we can choose love as the means to help us navigate and maneuver the maze of energy that greets us each and every morning. There is no escaping, or running, It will require us to go right through the middle of it and learn a new way of being. Flow vs. force, and leading with the frequencies (plural) of the heart.

In Gratitude !

July 2018- Summer of Light, Sensitivity, Eclipses and Soul Freedom

We’re in the middle of feeling the heat of summer, and the force of the summer energy. We continue experiencing the intensity of ‘change’ energy.  July is also eclipse season with a solar eclipse on July 13 and lunar eclipse July 27.  This energy assists in forwarding us in the life or emotional changes we’ve begun earlier in the year. 
Much of the light coming to the planet this summer is feminine energy, and its purpose is to propel the masculine forward to heal and expand their evolution so that there was more balance between the female growth and masculine evolution patterns going into 2020.   It’s tough on the guys as the emotional energy body is being stretched. Old wounds are being uncovered, ripped out and that space prepared for the healing.  It’s tough work.  Not all are free from this work, and expansion.  Women are also getting walloped for in those areas that hold rigid or fixed patterns, or they are being called to support others.  I’m honoring all men and women doing this deep work as any work we do individually is also assisting all at the collective levels.      
The illumination process also includes working with our patterns and behaviors that formerly used to hide our emotions. Some are feeling desperate to find that place of comfort, only to realize they have been illuminated and are no longer that safe hiding place.  We are raw and exposed as new patterns evolve that will support us in the future. Our sacred IAM is pushing to be heard, thus we’re doing deep work for the soul’s personal freedom.
Solar eclipse often present the opportunity for new beginnings. Most times they mean happy or exciting events, occasionally something may end too, but the energy accent will be more focused on the start than the finish. Changes could come gradually or suddenly. Still, the news or timing of those changes often comes as a surprise.  At eclipse time, we realize that we can’t control everything. Eclipses are meant to help us to evolve and to become more mature, seasoned, reflective, and philosophical. Events that follow an eclipse have more weight than events brought on by a regular new or full moon.  
Eclipses are dramatic “wild cards” and can bring changes or events that we don’t see coming. They can help you do things you never thought you could do, overcome fears, and show yes, you CAN do it! Take note of all news and signals you get near eclipses.   Sometimes under a full moon eclipse (lunar), the plan might not work out quite the way you expected. Being fluid and flexible is vital should you experience this.  Often a lunar eclipse will remove a person or element in your life that you thought you needed but really don’t.  It’s clearing and cleaning energy.  
Keep this rule in mind the universe will not abide by an empty space. Whenever a vacuum is created, the world rushes to fill it. Have faith that this will happen in your life and all that you “lose” will be replaced with something more aligned or fitting for where you are, or what you need even if it is not clear just yet.  
BRAVERY – COURAGE – and why Archangel Michael is so ignited this summer (think all the fires and heat) Love it. Love you and all parts of you. All emotions, all thoughts, ALL of you.   Be you, and shine on for that! In Gratitude !

June 2018 – Sunshine and Sensitivity

Welcome summer!  Hot summer temperatures and bold storms pushed May right off the calendar. In June we’ll officially welcome summer with the Summer Solstice, where we have the most hours of daylight here in the Northern Hemisphere, but there’s other magic in the air that stirring our passions up.   
Uranus moved into Taurus mid-May. Uranus is the planet of innovation, liberation and revolution. It can destabilize the foundations of anything that is stuck in the past and resists a progressive future.  Its role is to show you where you might feel trapped. Uranus will strip away anything that is holding you in a place of lack, status quo or being stuck, and if you don’t or won’t move, its force will create events that will move you. 
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, and ruled by the planet Venus and relates to our human desire for personal comfort, stability, and security, which for many are love and wealth. Notice where your passions are desiring expression. Taurus also is the first earth sign and represents Mother Earth herself. Mother earth will continue to rumble this summer as she too is feeling the energy of change just as we are. Be outside and enjoy the feel of her upon your bare feet! 
This energetic shift could create some significant disruptions to your regular routines, habits, and lifestyle, which has up until now provided you with material and emotional stability, security and nurturing. Changes in these areas might not be so comfortable for some, and it may test your skills in resilience.
The Full Moon at the end of April pushed some of you to declare – DONE. In doing so, you set in motion a doorway and a new path. As you travel this new path, don’t bring along your old habits and patterns. When stress or fear rises, most of us have established patterns we tend to fall back on.  Under the Uranus/Taurus influence, you might notice you are tempted to revert to old habits or patterns as a method of avoidance. If your comfort patterns involve reaching for unhealthy snacks, shutting down communication, reaching for another glass of wine, make a conscious decision if these are the patterns you want to take with you on your new journey. A new path might warrant new patterns. Know and decide where your ‘comfort’ zone is before you hit any stress or fear bumps.  Want to know about the influences of Uranus in May listen HERE  
In Gratitude !

May 2018 – Manifestation

Do you believe in manifestation? Do you have patience?  Do you have practices? Do you think that you are always creating your future?  Do you think the universe is listening and will deliver? 
May is a planetary charged month meant to help us plant seeds for our future.  I’d like to share some personal experiences and beliefs about manifestation: 
•   Dream
•   Feel, not think about what you want to manifest.
•   Say ‘ Yes’ on the way to manifestation
•   Leave space for the universe to deliver something that is better than what you can dream up.
•   Be relentless and adjust if needed.
•   Be in gratitude for all you experience
Dream.  For some, moving into adulthood created limits to our dreams. Responsibility taught us to be practical, and real in what we asked for, wanted or expected. Sometimes we play with questions like, ‘if money were not an option, what would you do,’ or ‘if you had a magic wand what wish would you grant.’  These inquiry questions allow us to dream without boundaries or limitations. If you had this opportunity what might imagine?  When you dream, share those dreams. Ponder, adjust, expand and vocalize them.  
Feel your Dream. We can write about our dreams, some call these goals, but there is more power in our dreams (goals) when we feel them.  Our emotions generate a vibration that acts like a magnet drawing to us those things equal in that vibration. Words plus the feelings of the dream create a surge of energy. If you say you want something, but the emotional wave is something else the universe will deliver on the emotional frequency, which is usually stronger.  
Recently I had dinner with a friend and was musing about my travel bucket list. Iceland was the next country on the top of my list. I’d been loosely sharing this with friends, but I noticed that that night as I shared this dream of the volcano-glacier island, I felt the excitement rise in my heart.  The next day I received an email from a friend asking if I wanted to go to Iceland.  
Say ‘Yes.’   Of course, I said YES to that opportunity to travel to Iceland. The universe just gave me what I asked for.  I wasn’t expecting it, I didn’t hesitate and I didn’t get stuck in analytics. I made an educated decision (calendar, budget) but didn’t labor over on potential thought-noise. I said YES.  Within 24 hours I was booked on a trip to Iceland, along with four others that also said YES.
Leave Space.   Leave space for the universe to deliver something that is better than what you can dream up.  When we hold the reins too tight, we are limited to what can occur. We need to guide, have some boundaries, but leave enough space or loosen our desire to control to experience something more significant than expected. The majority of our thoughts are repeat thoughts just regurgitated another way, but when we leave space or void, the universe can deliver something new that we’ve not experienced before.   I love when the universe surprises me with ‘HOW’ or ‘WHEN’ something is going to happen.  I don’t have to know all the details. Some surprise is good!
Be Relentless and adjust along the way  Don’t give up on your dreams, desires or wishes.   The universe always delivers. It might not be in the time we wanted or exactly how we thought it would show up, but it will show up. In April I set intent to do more group and public speaking outside of Minnesota, preferable radio or podcast. I would focus on the feeling of this desire.  I am doing a TeleSummit in May with a group out of Colorado, but my intuition was pushing for something else. I got a call from a producer in NY for a radio spot. Two days later after that interview, it was followed by an offer that didn’t align with me.  I graciously said no-thank-you and set about tweaking my intent. I had no regret and didn’t spend much energy on it instead focused on moving to something different.  Today I connected with a contact in LA and am saying YES to an opportunity that is emerging under my eyes. I understand it may not look like what I had initially dreamed but instead morphed into something better. I am comfortable with being uncomfortable while this evolves.  
Express genuine gratitude.  Say thank you for the experience. The universe delivers on what you feel, and you can adjust if it’s not quite right, and doing this tweaking helps you learn how to evolve your dreams.   All experiences lead to something else. All experiences help you learn. When feeling gratitude your frequency remains elevated, and you feel good. When your frequency is elevated, you are most apt to dream about the future or the things that will move you forward. Dreaming about NOT getting what you want will hold you in that stuck place. 
In Gratitude !

April 2018 – Happy Spring

The speaker confidently walks around the room while explaining stress management to an audience while holding a raised glass of water. Everyone knew she was going to ask the ultimate question, ‘half empty or half full?’… She fooled them all …. “How heavy is this glass of water?” she inquired with a smile.

Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. To 20 oz. She replied, “The absolute weight doesn’t matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, that’s not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I’ll eventually have an unbearable ache in the right arm. I can put it down for awhile, but the reality is that I can’t carry it for a long duration of time. In fact, as my arm begins to ache, I’m no longer able to focus on what I’m here to speak about, and I begin to focus only on the pain in my arm.” 

It’s time to put your burdens down and try a different way. It’s time to ask if it is necessary to carry those burdens anymore. It time to leave them behind, hand them off or find help. 

Spring and April is a time for new beginnings. Take what you have learned over the last six months and filter where the opportunities for shift are.   Take advantage of knowledge and this spring energy to find new, live new, be different or view your life differently. 

The energy of spring and planetary transits are urging us to find another way. A more loving way that doesn’t require pain. Time to shine this month!! Happy Spring!