September 2022 – Processing the Past to cross the bridges to the future

Out of the heat of the summer season and into fall and supported by Virgo (I analyze). In the northern hemisphere, we begin to notice shorter days of sunlight. Cool days, frosty evenings, sweatshirts, football, colorful leaves, and our efforts to stretch the sunshine of the shorter days as long as possible. September Equinox officially marks the beginning of fall. In the Southern Hemisphere, we begin to prepare for planting season, and the days grow longer. We enter the season marked by the element of water, the energy of bear, a time to reflect and begin the gathering and harvesting in preparation for winter. 

September, we have six planets and Chiron, all in retrograde. Things begin to slow down, and with the analytical push of Virgo, we are PROCESSING where we are, where we’ve been, and what’s ahead. The bridge we cross from 2022 to 2023 and the future can look ominous or exciting depending on how you are processing your personal road construction of 2022. 

The impact of the retrogrades will help us process everything we’ve been constructing. 

  • Jupiter: helps us find blocks that have kept us from expanding, exploring, experiencing life, and pursuing opportunities. Jupiter remains in Aries (IAM) until Nov. 23. Signs most impacted are Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces  
  • Saturn: more restrictive than usual but exposes karmic issues to work on. Remains in Aquarius until Oct. 23. We’re still learning lessons, but the signs most impacted are Capricorn and Aquarius
  • Uranus: slows down any significant changes, which can help stabilize and soften sudden significant changes. Uranus remains in Taurus until Jan. 2023. The signs most impacted are Taurus and Aquarius
  • Neptune makes reality cloudy and more challenging to grasp, but that forces us to use our intuition more. That push continues for all signs as Neptune remains in Pisces until Dec 3.  
  •  Pluto provides an opportunity to adjust to massive transformations. Releasing the old and pushing new growth and our evolution in how we will live our lives and use our skills/gifts. Pluto remains retrograde in Capricorn until Oct. 8 – Signs most impacted are Scorpio and Capricorn
  • Mercury retrograde from Sept. 9 to Oct 2 in Libra (I balance). This planet goes retrograde 3-4 times a year, and it’s meant to slow us down and focus. This is the last Mercury retrograde for some years to impact Libra, and it will push us to focus on relationship issues that need to be addressed. This means Libra, Gemini and Virgo are reflecting on relationships, partnerships, and connections over the last few years. The Virgo energy could create more stress than usual so remember your go-to routines for rest, relaxation, and fun.  
  • Chiron remains retrograde and continues to make us more introspective and reflective so we can remove blocks to healing. It’s not there to create pain but to help us release it. Aries, you are most impacted. 
  • Mars goes retrograde October 30-Jan.12 in Gemini and that will bring continued changes for all. All the work we are doing now, clearing, understanding, creating boundaries and paths will help prepare us.

FULL MOON in Pisces on September 10th brings up awareness in health areas for Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. If you have been avoiding something, it may be annoying until it is resolved. You must take care of the physical vessel for all other energy bodies to work well – your emotional, mental, and spiritual body. We are building from the past during this full moon, turning the past to help us move forward. Many of us will ask ourselves where previous years have gone, review our accomplishments and renew, or reaffirm what else in life we have to do. It is a period of spiritual search for one’s peace and harmony of past decisions with the present direction in mind. The energy is also about any decisions of moving forward, setting firm plans, and taking action to cross the bridge of the future. 

We end the month of September with the New Moon in Libra, reminding us of the balance we need in our lives and who are the people that create and bring us to balance. What do we do to maintain a healthy balance in our life?  

September will continue to be soul-work for us, and the retrogrades, moon cycles, and the fall equinox gateway will all contribute energy to push us along. Flow vs. Force is a mantra to remember as you navigate the pathways of September. Shine on -💖 Laurie

August 2022 – Heat and Heart

Who doesn’t like a good sunset or the colors of the morning sunrise, yet we often don’t pause long enough to observe and enjoy. August is known for its fiery energy from a temperature viewpoint as well as the fire of the soul. It’s the month of Leo, and Leo is known for their drive, passion, stamina, and creativity. Like the Lion who wants to rule the jungle, Leo is proud and loves to show it, so this month the universe allows us to practice being bold in our life. For each individual being bold will mean different things in different domains of your life. Home, family, relationships, health, wealth, career.

The sun in Leo correlates to a cycle of self-expression and self-actualization, and those realizations about self come through interactions with others. The universe will give us those opportunities for exchanges, which could be in the form of a challenge as a way to let go of old patterns. We see who we are through the eyes of others, but this year, we are roaring a bit more to be genuinely seen as who we are and not a version of what someone thinks we should be. 

This awareness can be uncomfortable for us and sometimes for those around us. Others might expect you to show up as the old version of you, but you’ve shifted. Time to celebrate that shift and the growth that you’ve had. All transition isn’t easy, you’ve got some cuts, bruises, and scars from past battles, but this is a month you can check in on where you’ve been and the decision to not go there again.  

August is the 8th month, and 8 is known to be the achiever and measures life by the goals it reaches. It has good business sense, a powerful presence, and a strong drive for success. The 8 is also a symbol of balance, and you can see it in its symmetrical shape.

A sideways 8 is the symbol of infinity, which is beyond – to infinity and beyond! Eight follows seven; there are 7 colors in the rainbow, 7 days of the week, and 7 diatonic scale notes make one complete octave, but what is after 7 – eight that which is beyond. 

This month, we reflect back, but the desire is to see what is beyond. To look ahead means an expansion of consciousness. When you are aware, you grow and expand and know more about who you are and why you are here. That is consciousness; the fire within you is seeking more of that. 

Shine on -💖 Laurie

July 2022- Playing

I spent time in June playing. I wandered to Norway with a fantastic group of 10 women. It felt great to connect with people and go beyond my property, city, and country. Our adventure included big planes, little planes, trains, buses, ferries, speed boats, and electric mini cars and many amazing people along our path. July pushes our PLAY button and reminds us that we want adventure, fun, change and a balance in work, rest, and play. It can be hard to celebrate having fun when the world is struggling, and the energy around us is low and hard. Playing does not diminish what we feel or see in the world nor distract us from the work we must do. It rejuvenates us.

As a country, we have gaping wounds that desperately need healing, focus, and action. We must act on fixing and healing those areas within our communities and us. We cannot lose sight of the changes that need to happen for our future, our children and our children’s-children’s future. We were at an airport when we heard the Supreme Court overturn the ruling. Tears, anger, frustration, disbelief, what now? What next? What rights are next to be challenged? The reality of the fight that is ahead of us. The fact to take breaks between the ‘fights’ we have before us. The rights of how we live, the rights for how others live. We were in Northern Norway when a shooting occurred in Oslo at a Pride event. The country was in shock. The many questions we were asked as Americans about our views, the perception that we all had guns, and the fact that the US is now ranked among the most dangerous countries. We have work to do. Peace, Love, Light, and Hope – but let’s not forget – We have work to do!

But… to have the needed energy and focus on change, we need to balance this with play, fun, adventure, and building that into our relationships. Life and living in the 3D world are work and severe enough without never allowing yourself a break for it. How we define PLAY is different for all.

July helps to remind us of our relationships, those we have yet to find, those we presently honor, and those we desire to fade into the sunset. The Universe will give you opportunities in all those areas, which can be serious work. We need to be in relationships that support us and our futures. It’s a very serious month, so balancing decisions with some playtime will be necessary. You may have planned playdates for your kids but might not think to do the same for yourself.

Play, adventure and fun create energy that elevate us, and helps us during times of change and struggles. Explore, be curious, ponder the possibilities. Frustration creates momentum to change. Change creates opportunity for our future. Define your future and create THAT change.

Call in Archangel Michael to help with change, courage, strength and alignment of our Soul.

Photo above was taken from a recent trip to Norway. It is the Midnight sun, sea eagle in flight- this is after Midnight in Norway,300 km north of the arctic circle and 300 km north of Iceland and the sun begins to rise. We too can begin to rise. Shine on

June 2022 – Sun of Summer

June will continue to be an eye-opener for us, and it’s not going to be the easiest month. We want to play, enjoy the weather, while the universe pushes us in an ever-changing direction. What will help us this month is remembering that these energies are prepping us for a large upshift in creative consciousness that will require strength and courage to move forward. 

June is the sixth month, with the collective numerology of June 2022 being the number “3”. The energy of “3” carries the power of: 

  • Self-expression, Fertility, Wisdom, Harmony, Creative power and Unseen energy

In Laurie’s May 23rd podcast – Universe Codes and Keys from Solar Flares and Universe Portals, She talked about how Solar storms create an energetic portal that allows rapid energy travel between dimensions of two distant locations in the universe, for example, from the Sun to Earth. Portals can bring life-changing transformation with the opportunity to experience a conscious awakening, limitless possibilities, higher wisdom, and increased levels of love and understanding. They are a tremendous opportunity to align with the universe’s energy and manifest abundance. This summer, we access the Sun’s energy and possibilities to change. The universe is persistent that we change and why it does not feel like the easiest month. Reality is glaring before us, and we can’t avoid shifting. 

Anytime we receive new coding from the universe and release the old programs, we need time to integrate. In software development, you test for bugs and issues and resolve them before going live. In our human experience, we need to do similar. Test for bugs, make corrections, and become familiar with these new pieces of our being before we show them to the world. Most of this integration happens naturally during the retrograde season, which we are entering now. Still, it’s a bit unnatural as it’s summer, and we want to be outside, in the Sun, exploring and experiencing, when the energy may be anchoring us more to internalization.

You don’t want to sleep or be numb during this fantastic growth period. As you are leveling up a few things to remember on how to make productive use of this energy by:

  • Letting love in
  • Emotionally detoxing
  • Spending time connecting with your passion and purpose
  • Connecting deeper to your intuition, inspiration, clarity, and truth
  • Purifying the body through exercise, drinking fresh fruits and vegetable juices, smoothies, water, and tea

We always have the balance of the forces. Look for that, see it, embrace it – the universe isn’t going to hang you out to dry as you go through many transitions. It is time to get clear about your values and beliefs to make choices that will help you stay true to who you are.

You’ve done all this work in preparation, now, trust the process and know that your frequency, clarity, and state of alignment are the most powerful things in your life that you have to create.

Mantra: My focus is present because today, I begin my tomorrow. 

Call in Archangel Michael to help with change, courage, strength and alignment of our Soul. Shine on -💖 Laurie

May Spring and a time to Grow Something New

The pounding started early this morning and woke me from my ‘sleep-in-morning.’ My fuzzy brain tried to tune into where the sound was coming from. Perhaps a neighbor was getting an early start on a backyard project, or was my deck crew returning to fix a few spots?

Walking down the hall, I realized it was coming from the upper level at the front of the house. As quickly as having that realization, I came to eye level with a robin tapping the window. He’d fly into the window, sit on the ledge and tap away. Now my fuzzy brain cleared with the encouragement of two loudly meowing cats to SAVE THE ROBIN. I grabbed the extendable brush used to dust that second-level window; today, it would be used to scare the robin away.  My thoughts now moved to: what reflection might he see at that window – there are no trees that would create an inviting place to land. Perhaps a spider in the corner of the window he was trying to reach? I quickly swept across the 6-foot span of glass to clean away that possibility. Was this robin mad because there was no birdfeeder this year, was he trying to scare the cats, was he sick, or just confused about this plate of glass in his way? Was it a message? My mind was problem-solving at a rate pretty fast without any morning caffeine.

SAVE THE ROBIN! Talk to the robin and encourage him to leave. He was persistent. Using the extended pole with a huge fluffy bright blue brush on the tip, I’d scare him away. He’d fly down to the bush outside the front door, where I’d then go outside and wave my arms to get him to fly off into the trees. But a few minutes later, he’d be back. This continued most of the day. I’d scare him from the second-level entry window with the big brush, go outside and wave him away from the bush…. and finally, he stopped and flew away. The problem-solver in me continued to process and wonder. Was it a sun reflection and the sun had come up enough that the angle of something attracting the bird was now gone? Was there a spider or bug on the inner ledge that I’d cleaned away? Was he just a juvenile robin having some morning fun, or did he deliver his message? Was he to be the content of this newsletter or clean that six-foot window?

My pondering brought me to a place of all the possible solutions it could be. From the moment I woke from the tapping sound to being totally awake after running up and down the stairs dozens of times.Our brains are marvelous things that we don’t think about the work it goes through. It automatically shifts into solutions and possibilities while taking in the environment. In the absence of an answer, it creates one while still assessing what it could be. We feel uncomfortable without a solution or result. We want to know. We push for answers until that twinge of unrest is satisfied. A world with an overwhelming unknown can create stress, anxiety, and sometimes depression; for some, it pushes you to check out and not engage.

Robins are synonymous with Spring. Robin energy means east, new beginnings, the rising of a new day, and a time to plant seeds. It’s a time to let go of anything in your life that’s stagnant, outdated, or simply no longer needed. Share your songs-messages with the world. My message for you is – It takes more than just planting seeds. They require focus, nurturing, and care. Be curious about all the possibilities of this changing world. Change can be uncomfortable but also necessary.

On April 29th, Pluto goes retrograde in the sign of Capricorn. This transit lasts for about five months and can illuminate any issues we have in our habits, patterns, and relationships, especially when it comes to the point of power. Pluto was here in 2019. The archetype of Capricorn is ‘I USE,’ so it creates the opportunity for us to question our life and any skills we have or desire to have. Plan for some ego struggles in this timeframe – death and rebirth, so you have to see it to shift it. Pluto retrograde can be a spiritually rewarding and transformative period, and it could be some things we didn’t learn coming back to give us a second shot.

The Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th creates an energy flow that can be felt for up to six months. The archetype of Taurus is I HAVE. So this includes matters related to personal finances, values, ownership, physical and material resources, personal possessions, feelings of worthiness, desire for safety and security, resistance to change, comfort, sensuality, and familiarity will be a strong focus on a personal level. This eclipse is about new beginnings regarding and strengthening our sense of security in all these matters. It is time to re-evaluate our relationship with money and possessions and discover what makes us happy and fulfilled. It may be time to consider new ways of increasing our income or earning power and taking charge of our possessions and finances.

Concentrate on what to do to increase your feelings of self-worth. Get in touch with what you value and want in your lives—end things or situations that do not contribute to your feelings of worthiness. Have courage and trust your wisdom. It takes more than just planting seeds. Grow something new!

Shine on -💖 Laurie

April 2022 – Review and Renew

March and Zodiac sign of Aries is the beginning of the astrological year. It is spring in the northern hemisphere when we welcome the first day of spring, the return of migrating birds. We feel spring fever and long for days of warmth and sunshine. It is the time of year that the Universe urges us towards new beginnings and assessment of our past only as we create space for our futures. It is a time of renewal. The world is at a time of needing ‘NEW.’

When I was born, I had a plan, purpose, destiny, but I had no idea what an adventure or challenge life would bring. I had no idea the beautiful people I would cross paths with and those that would provide those valuable learning opportunities. I had no idea this love and support would surround me on my journey. I had no idea how I’d travel, see, learn and then again find that sometimes I’d want to be home by the fire, curled with a book and a fur baby on my lap. I had no idea the Universe would both challenge and gift me with experiences that would fill my life with immeasurable richness and challenges of the world that tugged at my heartstrings. But each day, when I rise, I acknowledge how very blessed I am.   March, for me, is a natural time for me to assess my life. The Universe is pushing us to be present and experience life at a slower pace with fewer distractions, which is difficult when things around us seem to be busier, more chaotic, and certainly faster. It feels we have to focus more on the present and all moments that exist now. Present-day, we are redefining the work environment, our playtime, and what is essential.  

When we are unsure of the future, we assess our lives more. The reality of what was important in our 20’s is not the same when we are in our 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, or beyond.  What is happening in the world impacts our presence in our lives and what and where we focus. We are looking at our visions and dreams for what our future might look like. How do we want to use our senses, emotions, gifts of intelligence, and spiritual wisdom for our life, and where can we contribute to the world for what the world needs now? We are becoming more aware of our actions on ourselves and others. We are becoming more aware of what is most important.
If you find you are struggling with the present energy, create space for the Universe to show you what you need to do or what might be next. Focus on flow vs. force by allowing more space with less rigid planning. This chapter of change we are in will continue for quite some time, and to become as peaceful as we can with change, is to find peace within. Life will force us to be responsible, focus on our actions, and support each other, but we can balance the pressure with more time in nature, more meditation, music, laughter, rest, quiet time, and doing things that help bring joy to self and others.  
Just a reminder of the dates of the upcoming eclipse season. Eclipse season urges and reenforces change. The solar eclipses will signal newness, and messages of the drive forward, while Lunar will bring emotions and illumination or changes to what we think we should be doing. If you are feeling I should begin or stop doing…… then that answer will become clearer for you as the year continues. 

  • 04-30-2022 Partial Solar in Taurus – Taurus is about money, possessions, property and values
  • 05-16-2022 Total Lunar in Scorpio – Scorpio is joint finances, debt, transformation
  • 10-25-2022 Partial Solar in Scorpio
  • 11-08-2022 Total Lunar in Taurus
  • 04-20-2023 Hybrid Solar in Aries – Aries appearance, image, self-identity
  • 05-05-2023 Penumbral Lunar in Scorpio

Shine your light – Shine your Love. Shine ON. ~Laurie

March 2022 – Perspectives

Many of us may be feeling sadness in our hearts that we’ve lost heart connections and relationships with others. Others have mentioned this sinking feeling of numbness of the overwhelming pressure of the world, potential war, recession, and global impacts. It’s a year of relationships and adjustments. The relationships we have with ourselves and others. A continued time of learning how we and others ‘are’ in the world. Seeing things from a different angle can often turn a situation into a completely different scenario. We all look at the world through different eyes, sometimes we may need to try a little harder to see the world with someone else’s view. The universe will always deliver those opportunities to test our view with the purpose of shifting our perspective to be different. It’s time to be different. 

In the Medicine Wheel, East is the direction that represents new beginnings, springtime, and the place before birth and of birth. It is where we begin anew, over and over again. When you find yourself in the East, you can be sure that something has ended and that you stand on the doorstep of a new beginning, whether you want to be there or not. This March, we stand facing a new beginning. It is the best time to identify, illuminate and clarify, seek vision and inspiration, and locate your unique path. Each time you need to understand a situation in your life, you will return to the direction of the East. As you stand in the East, you face the West, which is the direction of healing and learning from your experiences. The universe encourages us to use our past to direct us forward. You may not understand what you are looking at, or what you’ve experienced. First, it may feel shrouded in darkness, but illumination will come when you begin to pay attention to everything in your physical, emotional, and spiritual being. Clarity can come, just like the season of spring and movement from darkness to light. The universe will illuminate our path. It urges us to take one step at a time and view it from a different perspective.  

2022 powerful Eclipse Season is soon upon us. Solar (Sun) is masculine mental energy, while Lunar(moon) is feminine emotional energy. Taurus archetype is ‘I HAVE,’ and it reminds us to use what we have, acknowledging where you are and what you have – home, security, or things that make you feel secure. It reminds us to be present. Scorpio’s archetype is ‘I DESIRE.’ It is a time to reflect on misalignment with what we have and what we desire. The universal energy to manifest what is missing or out of alignment. We have about 18 mos. of this dance of what we have and desire. We can expect changes, or nudges to change leading up to the Aries eclipse in 2023. What we think we should have, or should be doing, pushed up against the reality of what is. This will not be a ‘feel good’ time for some, but it is meant to helps you align to our soul and not the human experience of false expectations and unachievable visions. It is the soul-reality.  

The solar eclipses will signal newness, and messages of the drive forward, while Lunar will bring emotions and illumination or changes to what we think we should be doing. If you are feeling I should begin or stop doing…… then that answer will become clearer for you as the year continues. 

  • 04-30-2022 Partial Solar in Taurus
  • 05-16-2022 Total Lunar in Scorpio
  • 10-25-2022 Partial Solar in Scorpio
  • 11-08-2022 Total Lunar in Taurus
  • 04-20-2023 Hybrid Solar in Aries
  • 5-05-2023 Penumbral Lunar in Scorpio

We are energetically standing in the direction of the East right now, and our action is to be alert, pay attention, observe how you are here before you rush forward. Observe what is ending or needs to end and equally what is created. Look to your experiences to understand where you were but remember this is an opportunity for you to start new resides.
Shine your light – Shine your Love. Shine ON. ~Laurie

February 2022- Year of the Water Tiger

As a kid, my parents made cross-country road trips, and I’d follow along on the Rand Road Atlas and shout out how many miles until the next city or how far the drive was until we got to our destination. It taught me math lessons, understanding directions, and earth time to distance. I love maps and a good road adventure, and 2022 appears to be providing us with a different type of Road-Trip. 
The universe has maps. Planets and star systems are maps. Many systems follow these maps and cycles: Astrology, the Mayan, and Chinese calendars, Numerology are a few examples. The ancient wisdom keepers looked for and followed natures methods that help direct or explain our path. There is a natural progression in any map. 

Have you ever found yourself flipping to the end of the book to discover what happens? Do you want to skip ahead and get to the end without experiencing the journey? As humans, we sometimes desire to know the outcome or skip to the future, believing there should ALWAYS be a happy ending. But sometimes, it’s not about the result or the end at all. It’s about the journey. 2022 will be a year that takes us on a new journey. There is no skipping to the ‘end’ as this is a year of beginnings.

Those born in 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, or 2022 are under the sign of Tiger. The element for 2022 is water, and the flow of water will help balance the Tiger energy. This Water-Tiger energy will impact all of us. You can listen to Laurie’s overview of The Year of the Tiger.

The Tiger represents energy, strength, protection, altruism, leadership, purposeful, respect, revolutionary ideas, vulnerability, sensitivity, selfishness, overestimation, and an all-or-nothing attitude. It’s a year to jump into something new or a project/plan you’ve been dreaming about. This energy is telling you to take action. Be thoughtful about your actions. Think before you leap, speak or act, but do act.  

Is The Year of the Tiger Lucky or Unlucky? The Tiger is, on the whole, a lucky sign! No matter what situation it finds itself in, the Tiger always finds a way out. Tigers are born leaders. In 2022 many will be asked to step into the role of leader. Last year, the year of the OX was slow and methodical. 2022’s energy has an intensity and increased pace. We’re working on changing our internal response systems and beliefs, and 2022 will provide plenty of opportunities to explore our personal growth. Year of the Water-Tiger with Pluto Return – here are a few things to watch out for in 2022 – Laurie covers them in more detail in her podcast. Year of the Tiger.

1. Emotional Drama – opportunity to adjust our mental processes around emotions2. Passion & Intensity – motivators for life3. Potential of Scandal – discovery of truth4. Original Thinking – new ideas and inventions5. Heightened Intuition – take a new class, or practice inner knowing6. More Luck – need to watch for it7. Whirlwind Romance – 8. Increased Creativity – great for projects9. Leadership – being called to lead with actions10. Burn Out – watch self-care, stress reducers

Lucky months in 2022 will be March, June, November. I’ll follow where the planets, eclipses, gateways, and retrogrades fall. Tiger, Dog and Horse will experience greater opportunities. Lucky colors are red, green, black, and yellow. It’s a good year for relationships, either starting or solidifying those already in our lives. If a few years of isolation, we are hungry for companionship and connection. It will be a challenging year for some, especially if you don’t like change, doing some work, and still haven’t let go of the past. The energy of the Tiger also provides the opportunity for substantial change that can establish us for the years ahead. 

February launches us into this dynamic year with its first powerful gateway on 02-22-2022, as many call the gateway of 2222 – moving from dreaming about love to ACTIONS with LOVE.

January – 2022 a year of Venus, a Six Year and the Water-Tiger

Did you know there are at least 29 religious holidays celebrated worldwide between November 1 and January 15? These holidays are fertile ground for clashes and building and changing our beliefs and relationships with the community and others. I love that the universe always allows us to grow and become more loving. 2022 will be a year that will challenge our hearts and our beliefs. It will stretch us to align to our hearts, challenge our mental processes to find a new truth. The breaking down of old processes continues as 2022 challenges us to build upon a new foundation. 

The number 6 (2+0+2+2) relates to Venus, the goddess of beauty, love, relationships, self-worth, and values. Venus rules Taurus, and with the North Node (how you develop in your current life) and Taurus in Uranus, you can expect 2022 to be highly Venus-led. We will be challenged in how we relate to ourselves, others, our communities, and mother earth. We have thoughts and beliefs on everything we relate to, including people, places, experiences, and things. All of it is up for the opportunity to shift. 2022 ushers in a new cycle and year to set us on a different path. The December 13 podcast: 2022-A year about community, relationships, Venus and More will give you an overview for each month in 2022 and the influencing energy of Venus. 

We also have Pluto’s return over the United States. Pluto was last here 248 years ago, around 1774. Pluto is about transformation and growing through the deepening of self-knowledge. It is a time of death of old and birth of something new. 2022 is also the year of the Water-Tiger. The tiger represents energy, strength, protection, altruism, leadership, purposeful, respect, revolutionary ideas, vulnerability, sensitivity, selfishness, overestimation, and an all-or-nothing attitude. We have some significant changes ahead, personally and socially. Changes and challenges that will shape us and future generations. 

2022 can dramatically change our lives for the better, as long as we are not afraid to turn our dreams into reality. Goals are always good, but we have to stop talking about changes and begin making changes. 2022 is a year for starting new projects. Then we will need to protect and give them the same attention the tiger gives to its cubs. We will have to use the moment’s impulse and never lose our focus. The tiger energy will help advance us as we get exposed to situations we have never encountered before. 

2022 is not just a NEW year, but it’s the beginning of a NEW cycle. Change always comes with challenges, but in 2022 we celebrate our growth, and the continuation of the metaphysical and science worlds coming closer together. Laurie’s podcasts and events are intended to help you along this journey with wisdom, insight, and practices. 
Here’s an early listen to January 3rd Podcast – What’s up with the Energies of January
Shine your light – Shine your Love. Shine ON. ~Laurie

December 2021 – In the Dead of Winter

If you live in a place where winter brings dormancy you may feel things energetically die off. Barren trees, brown or snow-covered grass give the appearance of lifelessness. If you’ve ever driven on icy roads, you know the phrase – SLOW DOWN. Winter is a time of slowing down, but it’s not a time of ‘dead’. Far from it, for beneath the snow, or brown grass the earth is resting. There is activity there, even though it may not be visible to us.

Winter is a time for slowing down, resting, going inward and planning. You know if you stay in this state for too long, you’ll grow restless and that’s usually when cabin-fever sets in. Over the holiday season you may feel the rush and pressure of finishing the year, entertaining family and friends, organizing for tax season and dreaming of a warm weather get away.

The November 29 Podcast covers specific dates and impacts of December, that intend to prepare us for 2022. Below are some tips to help you through the end of the year.

Be aware of what you want, need, and desire.  This pause point can prevent regret later for overspending, overpromising, or over-committing to things that will create stress in their fulfillment. Being aware keeps you present. 

Enjoy The Present Moment. Being present prevents you from getting stuck in the past or stuck in the future. Yes, we can get stuck in the future by always looking ahead or committing to something we see in our dreams. Dreams and goals are essential but don’t live there. This is a time to be present and be in each moment of today.  

Carry what you can hold.  Imagine the impossibility of carrying groceries, presents, children, the energy of work, relationships, family… it can be crushing. It’s easy to take more, and you probably do that very well, but this is a time to be aware of the more realistic weight you are carrying.   

Work with others and without others.  You get to decide what works best for you, and sometimes that is going solo, and sometimes it is working with others. There is no forcing the natural flow of energy. We can feel when we are against the force and when we are aligned.  Don’t be afraid to say NO to help, but welcome it when it makes sense.   

Trust you make the right decisions. Trust your sense of responsibility is strong and reliable. You’ll know when it’s a healthy action from fear, desire, or obligation. None are wrong, be aware and trust what is motivating your actions.   

You hold value.  Energy can be measured in money, time, love, and other material things.  Your energy holds value in all that you do or all that you choose not to do. We exchange energy and understanding what you value or don’t value in those exchanges can reduce the stress.   Also, understanding your value on energy will probably differ from others, and there may be times you’ll need to balance each definition. Time to you may be a big deal, but not so much for others.  

Pressure and stress roll away with ease.  Everyone feels the pressure of the universe at one time or another.  What we do with this energy is vital.  Coal being pressurized becomes a diamond, while other earth composites can become sand or dirt. What you do with this energy is a choice in how we decide to direct it to something healthy and forwarding or something that deteriorates our being. This is a season to decide.  

Change is inevitable.  The one thing we know is that nothing stays the same. Earth is energy and is moving and, therefore, changing.  You live on earth, so you also are changing, and so is everything around you. Know what to carry along in 2022 and what has changed and is better left behind. You never know when what is ahead can be better than what was left behind, but without checking it out, you won’t know – and the universe wants you to know.  

Declare that you are resilient, skilled, and capable – It’s time to remind yourself of all the best pieces and bits of yourself that make up who you are. You didn’t get to this point in your life with some bumps and bruises. Value those scars and learnings as they remind you that you are strong, agile, adaptable, and you are here.  

Embrace vulnerability, openness, and nurture love.  Winter can be cold, but your energy towards humanity doesn’t need to follow suit. The heart is warm and loving. Our light is solid and bright. Shine this for you as much as for others to see how to bring a shining being you are. The law of attraction draws the vibration you are to you. Be a beaming being of love and light.   

Shine your light – Shine your Love. Shine ON. ~Laurie